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1950 Census

Census and Genealogy Sources

Steps in Finding Someone Using the 1950 Census

  • Find out the person(s) proper name. What was their name in the U.S.? For example, Jan might be John. Was the first/last name possibly anglicized?
  • Talk to relatives or family members who might have birth/death records, family bibles, deeds to property, grave stones, obituaries, marriage certificates, school records, scrap books, licenses, know if the person was in the military, etc.
  • Address including county, city/town, state where they might have lived in 1950. Ancestry database has 1940 Census records and other helpful directories which might be a good starting point.
  • Go to the 1950 Census Home page-Begin Search. Search for the head of the household if possible. 
  • Fill out as much information as you can:
    • State, County, City/Town
    • First and Last Name (as well as you can). The search engine will look for variant spellings and close matches.
    • Once you've found a record of interest (with the First Name and/or Last Name, click on the buttons or links labeled  Population Schedules.  These will hopefully have complete information but may list only last name or similar or first name. You will have to go through each schedule (page by page) and look for street name (listed vertically) and address number (listed horizontally). The head of household will get a specific numbered line with everyone else in that household listed underneath. You will be able  to view a digitized copy of the records.
    • Streets are usually written vertically on the Population Schedules with each address given a line which may also include apartment numbers (listed horizontally).

Abby Juda

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Abby Juda