Suggested use: Excellent for teaching students how to read deeply. They annotate as they read (highlight then comment). They can reply to each other's comments and have a discussion inside of the reading. Can be more engaging than a discussion board.
1. Annotation Pane
The Annotation Pane contains all highlights, notes and bookmarks in a book, arranged by page and type. You may delete an annotation by clicking on the trash can icon and this will remove the annotation from the book and from your bookshelf.
2. Highlights - Pop-up Menu
Select text on a page and choose to highlight in yellow, blue or pink from the pop-up menu.
3. Highlights - Toolbar
Use the highlight icon in the toolbar to highlight text in yellow.
4. Add Note - Pop-up Menu
Create a note by selecting text on a page and choosing the note icon in the pop-up menu. Type your note and click on Save.
5. Add Note - Toolbar
To add a note to the whole page rather than selected text, use the note icon in the toolbar.
6. Bookmarks (2nd Screenshot below)
Click the bookmark icon in the toolbar, or the upper right of the page, to bookmark a page.
7. Export Notes from Bookshelf (3rd Screenshot below)
Notes can be exported from your bookshelf. Find the book in your bookshelf, select the More icon and click on Export Notes.