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Teaching Music through Performance Resources

"Best-selling series of books and CDs . . . for music educators searching for the best possible music at all levels. Each book includes analyses of select pieces and insights from national leaders in the field. Resources for band, orchestra, and choir

Orchestra Books & CDs

Volume 1
Table of Contents
Part I of this valuable guide offers “words of wisdom” from six successful orchestra teachers with over 150 years of experience among them. Each gives practical advice on subjects ranging from producing well-rounded musicians, rehearsal suggestions, and preparing for festivals to selecting high-quality music and the impact of national standards on teaching.


Volume 2
Table of Contents
Chapters include "A Pedagogical Model for Beginning String Class Instruction: Revisited" by Michael Allen, "Whadya get?: Evaluation, Recognition, Motivation, and Competition and School Orchestra Programs" by Louis Bergonzi, "Playing in Tune: A Number One Priority!" by Jacquelyn Dillon, "Repertoire-based Warm-ups" by Robert Gillespie, "Building Musicianship in the Orchestra Rehearsal" by James Kjelland, and "Assessment: It’s a Good Thing for Orchestra" by Dorothy Straub.


Volume 3
Table of Contents
Chapters include: “Playing beyond the Score: Thoughts on Teaching Expressive Musicianship” by Jacquelyn Dillon; “World Music in Orchestral and String Education: Understanding Reggae-Sprinked ‘Twinkle’” by Louis Bergonzi; “End of Year Massed Concerts” by Michael Allen; “Checkpoints for Self-Evaluation: Creating a Self-Help Program to Become the Best String Teacher You Can Be” by Robert Gillespie; “Solving the Mysteries of the String Bass” by Dorothy A. Straub; “Taming the Rushin’ Sailor’s Dance: Using Bowing Principles to Your Musical Advantage” by James Kjelland.


Volume 4
Chapters include “Selecting and Teaching Concert Music” by Christopher Selby; “Preparing for the Podium” by James Mick; “Begin with the Score: Making Notation Come Alive” by Mark Laycock; “From Poof to Portato: A Sequence of Bow Strokes for the Heterogeneous Class” by Brenda Brenner; “NRB (Notes, Rhythm, and Bow): Systematic Ways of Providing Technique in the Orchestra Classroom” by Soo Han; “Bowing Styles for the Ages: What Are They? How Do They Sound? When Do I Use Them? How Do I Get My School Orchestra to Play Them?” by Robert Gillespie; “If Only We Had More Rehearsal Time! Strategies for Optimizing Rehearsal Efficiency and Performance Preparedness that Have Nothing to Do With Conducting” by James Woomert.

Kristina Shanton

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Kristina Shanton
Subjects: Music