Teaching With the Census
Educational Tools from the Census Bureau
- Census AcademyLet us show you how to find and use Census Bureau data for your everyday uses, including informing your business plan, supporting grant proposals and research projects, developing apps, urban development planning and services, and much more! Includes Data Gems, Online Courses and webinars
- Data GemsFavorite tips and tricks about how to access and use Census Bureau Data. Data Gems: a series of "how-to" videos available for data users who are looking for an easy and quick way to enhance their knowledge of Census data.
- Webinars from the Census AcademyIncludes upcoming and recorded webinars.
- Census Infographics & VisualizationsExplore Census data with infographics and visualizations covering a broad range of topics.
- Statistics in SchoolsStatistics in Schools (SIS) brings school subjects to life using real-world Census Bureau statistics to create materials for use year after year for K-12 students. Explore this site for engaging resources and activities in social studies, math, English, geography, sociology and more.