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Introduction to Music Studies

Finding Information About Recordings

Step 1: Find a CD Booklet (Liner notes)

  • In Naxos World Music Library: under image of CD
  • In Music Online: Listening: look for Related Documents tab
  • Not in one database? Try the other!
  • Not in either? Folkways Label liner notes can be downloaded at Smithsonian Folkways
  • Other options; Google the recording label and/or performer

Step 2. Learn basics about music & genre

  • Wikipedia is a great starting place to learn about:
    • terms & genres
    • time periods
    • cultures/geography
  • Oxford Music Online is a music encyclopedia
    • search for countries, cultures, or instruments

Step 3. Dig a little deeper

Come to the library to use the Garland Encyclopedia of World Music to look up more info about the cultural context of the music

Having Problems? Make an appointment for help

Kristina Shanton

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Kristina Shanton
Subjects: Music