SWOT Analysis
Databases and Other Sources to Get You Started
- Business Source Premier (EBSCO)You may search under Company Profiles on the menu bar. If the company has more than one word in its name, be sure to enclose in " ". Search under match any words. You will find Marketline Reports. There are SWOT Analyses included in the reports.
- Business Insights (Gale) (Formerly known as Business Insights: Essentials)Go to the Companies Tab and choose SWOT reports
- StatistaUseful for finding information about where a company may rank compared to its competition. Such things as market share and size of the market for particular types of products. Look specifically for "dossiers" on the company.
- NetAdvantage (S&P)From Standard & Poor's, this database contains financial information for US and global companies, including current and past stock prices, annual reports, SEC and Canadian SEDAR filings, industry surveys, and other information for business research and analysis. Contains a Porter's Five Forces analysis for over 40 industries.
- ABI/INFORM Collection (ProQuest)Search under Company/organization-ORG. You can then add more specific headings/keywords/subjects on the second line. It is suggested to try words in the Abstract field. You can limit to reports.
- Morningstar Investment CenterSearch for the company by name or ticker symbol. Companies that have a "stock analysis" usually have fairly in-depth coverage.
- Nexis Uni (LexisNexis)Search under Business or Company Info. You can start with Company Dossier. Search for the company name, headquarters location, then under Industry Knowledge.