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From Cathy Michael

From LexisNexis:

Universal Characters and Wildcards

Use a ? to find variations of a word
Use a question mark (?) to find variations of a word by replacing characters anywhere in the word, except the first character.  Use one question mark for each character you wish to replace.  Example: wom?n would find woman and women ;  p??erson would find both the ea and the ie spelling of the name

Using * or an ! to find variations of a word
Use an asterisk (*) or an exclamation mark (!) to find a root word plus all the words made by adding letters to the end of it.
Example: Employ* would find variations on the term employ such as employee, employer, employment, and their plurals
Tip: Use * only to find unique roots: fir! will find fired, firing and fires but will also find words which you may not want (ex. firment)
You can use an exclamation mark (!) in place of the * if you wish.  Both function in the same way but there must be at least 3 characters in from of the ! or you might receive unexpected results

Ron Gilmour

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Ron Gilmour
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