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HIST 271 Global Environmental History

Finding Articles

You'll need to find at least 3 academic articles for your research as well. Academic articles, also known as scholarly or peer-reviewed, are written by scholars and reviewed by other scholars in the field before publication. They are a great source on information! To find them, use the library search just like you did to find books. Enter your search terms, then on the results page, select "Peer-Reviewed" under source.

Note that the Creation Date (meaning the date the article was published) may have a large range, so you may get results that are out of date, or you may get too many results. You can change the date range to get more recent results, or to get results from a specific time period.

If you're seeing too many results in the library's search, you can try adding additional words or using advanced search. You can also try some other databases! Here are some options:

Abby Juda

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Abby Juda