ICSM Health Activism
Abby Juda
General Sources
- Health Activist NetworkAn online hub for health professionals, aimed at improving health policy and building advocacy networks.
- National Women's Health NetworkThe National Women's Health Network aims to improve health by strategically shaping policy, expanding access, and providing accurate, unbiased information.
AIDS Resources
- ACT UP Oral History ProjectThe ACT UP Oral History Project is an archive of 187 interviews with members of ACT UP, the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power, New York.
- AIDS Activist History ProjectA collection of posters, pamphlets, articles, and more on the topic of AIDS activism.
- AIDS Memorial QuiltBy sharing the story of the struggle against HIV/AIDS, we remember, in perpetuity, the lives lost, we offer healing and hope to survivors, and we inspire new generations of activists in the fight against stigma, denial, and hate, for a just future.
- HIV Here & NowUsing poetry and the arts to advocate for a world without HIV or AIDS.
COVID Resources
- Covid Memorial QuiltHonoring and remembering all those lost to COVID-19.
- Coronavirus Research Database (ProQuest)
Includes information about COVID-19 and other past coronavirus outbreaks, such as MERS and SARS published by members of the International Association of STM Publishers including Springer Nature, Taylor & Francis, and The BMJ.
Contents: Full-text journal articles, preprints, conference proceedings, and dissertations.
- Covid Survivor CorpsSurvivor Corps is one of the largest grassroots movements, providing education and resources for COVID-19 patients, connecting them with medical and scientific research efforts, and helping with the national response.
- Covid Survivors for ChangeCOVID Survivors for Change is a nationwide community of survivors fighting for a stronger pandemic response to save lives by supporting survivors, remembering those who have died, and advocating for public health measures to prevent future pandemics.