European History
Best Bets
Start with some background research in Encyclopedias and Dictionaries.
Then look for some articles in the recommended Databases.
Books are great for in-depth research.
Primary Sources bring history alive.
Best Bets - Databases
- Historical Abstracts (EBSCO)
Contents: Abstracts of articles, books, and dissertations on world history excluding United States and Canada. Covers 1450-present.
- Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
This multidisciplinary database contains articles from magazines and peer-reviewed journals, as well as Associated Press (AP) video content (1930s-present).
Contents: Full-text articles and video.
- ProQuest Research Library (ProQuest)
This custom link allows patrons to search across several ProQuest databases including APA PsycInfo, Healthcare Administration Database, Education database, Psychology Database, Research Library, and Social Science Database.
Contents: Full-text articles, abstracts, and ebooks.
Includes archival journal collections in the Arts & Sciences and Life Sciences covering language and literature, history, economics, political science, and health sciences.
Contents: Full-text articles and books.
- Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials (EBSCO)
Produced by Atla, this database provides citations from religion and theology journals. The database also searches AtlaSerials (Atlas), a full-text collection of major religion and theology journals.
Contents: Full-text articles from more than 360 journals. Citations for articles, books, essays, and reviews. 1949-present (with retrospective indexing for several journal issues from the 1800s).
- Project Muse
Subjects covered include literature and criticism, history, education, philosophy, political science, and gender studies.
Contents: Full-text peer-reviewed articles.
Encyclopedias - General -- Online
- Britannica Academic Edition
Contains content from Encyclopedia Britannica and Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary along with other research tools.
Contents: Reference entries, images, video, and primary source materials.
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History by Joel Mokyr (Editor)
ISBN: 9780195105070Publication Date: 2003Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the field, the Encyclopedia is divided not only by chronological and geographic boundaries, but also by related subfields such as agricultural history, demographic history, business history, and the histories of technology, migration, and transportation.A Biographical Dictionary of Women's Movements and Feminisms: Central, Eastern, and South Eastern Europe, 19th and 20th Centuries by Krassimira Daskalova (Editor); Anna Loutfi (Editor); Francisca DeHaan (Editor); Francisca de Haan (Editor)
ISBN: 9789637326394Publication Date: 2006Contains 150 expertly-researched biographical portraits (with pictures) of women and men who were active in, or part of, women's movements and feminisms in 22 countries in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. The portraits include Romanian princesses, Serbian philosophers and peasants, Latvian and Slovakian novelists, Albanian teachers, Hungarian Catholic social workers, Austrian factory workers, Bulgarian feminist scientists and socialist feminists, Russian radicals and philanthropists, Turkish republican leftist political activists and nationalists, internationally recognized Greek feminist leaders, and so on, from all walks of life.The Encyclopedia of European Migration and Minorities by Leo Lucassen (Editor); Jochen Oltmer (Editor); Klaus J. Bade (Editor); Pieter C. Emmer (Editor)
ISBN: 9780521895866Publication Date: 2011Migration movements, integration, and multiculturalism have always been part of the history of Europe. Many ethnic groups participated in migration within Europe or into Europe. The first section contains survey studies of the various regions and countries in Europe covering the last centuries. The second sections presents information on about 220 individual groups of migrants from the Sephardic Jews emigration from Spain and Portugal in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to the present-day migration of old-age pensioners to the holiday villages in the sun.Europe Since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction by Gale Editors (Editor)
ISBN: 9780684313658Publication Date: 2006The tumultuous recent century of Europe's history is traced in this five-volume set, which picks up the story begun in its companion set, Europe 1789-1914 . Profiling the age of war and reconstruction, Europe Since 1914 details European history from the Bolshevik Revolution to the European Union, linking it to the history of the rest of the world. Many transformations in the European story are covered in this easily accessible collection of about 675 illustrations and 920 articles: Europe sundered by war and genocide, Europe reconfigured after World War II and the Cold War, and Europe making a new place for itself on the world stage.A- Z of Modern Europe since 1789 by Martin Polley
ISBN: 9780415185974Publication Date: 2000A-Z of Modern Europe 1789-1999 is a comprehensive dictionary which defines modern Europe through its important events and people. It includes entries on: * key people from Napoleon Bonaparte to Hitler * key political and military events * influential political, social, cultural and economic theories.
Best Bets - Primary Sources on the Internet
- Gale Primary Sources
This collection allows for searching across three primary source collections:
Archives of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History and Culture since 1940, Part I; Political Extremism and Radicalism in the Twentieth Century: Far-Right and Left Political Groups in the US, Europe, and Australia; and American Historical Periodicals (series 1-5).Contents: Newsletters, papers, propaganda, government documents, manuscripts, pamphlets, periodicals, and other primary source materials.
- HathiTrust Digital Library
This digital collection offers access to digitized resources from libraries around the world.
Contents: Full-text ebooks and articles.
- EurodocsConnect to European primary historical documents that are transcribed, reproduced in facsimile, or translated.
- European History Primary SourcesThe purpose of EHPS is to provide an easily searchable index of scholarly digital repositories that contain primary sources for the history of Europe.
- The European LibraryFrozen at the end of 2016, this resource contains access to newspapers and other digital facsimiles.
- Europeana CollectionsEuropeana Collections provides access to over 50 million digitized items – books, music, artworks and more.
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