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How to use Library Search

Signing In

You can sign in to your Library account wither from our home page (select "Accounts" from the upper right hand and choose "Library Account) or from any results screen (click "Guest" in the upper right hand corner):

Why Sign In?

Signing in allows you to see a more complete list of results, but that's not all! If you sign in you can also:

  • Set preferences for your current and future sessions. You can set your preferences so that they reflect the way you usually search, and save them for future sessions.
  • Add items you found and searches you submitted permanently to your favorites. Saved searches can be re-run at any time.
  • Set alerts for your saved searches. You can set a search to become an alert, that is, to run automatically and send you email notification once it locates new items answering your search criteria.
  • Use more library services. You can benefit from library services such as requesting or recalling items and seeing the due dates of items you have checked out.

Using My Favorites

Once you've logged in to your Library Account, you can save to your favorites. 

Saving items to My Favorites

When you've found an item you want to save, click on the pin icon in the upper right corner of the record:

When an item had been added to your shelf, the pin will be crossed out. To remove an item from your shelf, just click the pin again. 


Saving searches to My Favorites

If you've found particular searches to be successful, you can save them by clicking "Save Search" on the results page:

Saving your search will allow you to re-run it later, which may bring up new results. 

If you save a search, you'll have the option to set up alerts. If you set up an alert, the system will periodically re-run your search terms and email you if there are any new results. To view your saved searches, go to "My favorites" and select the "Saved Searches" tab. From this tab you can re-run searches by clicking on them them, edit alerts by clicking the bell icon, or delete your searches by clicking the pin icon.

Managing items in My Favorites

Once you've added items to your favorites, there are a few things you can do to them:

  • Add labels to items - use this to organize all your materials for a course or project
  • Get a permalink to an item
  • Create a citation for an item in APA, Chicago, Harvard, or MLA style
  • Export an RIS file to a citation manager
  • Print or email information about your item

Abby Juda

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Abby Juda