Sports Law
Databases to Find Articles
- EBSCO Research Library
Search across all of our EBSCO subscriptions for full-text articles and abstracts in almost every discipline.
- SPORTDiscus with Full Text (EBSCO)Useful for a wide range of sports related topics including legal issues.
- General OneFile (Gale OneFile)
This general-interest database covers a wide-range of topics.
Contents: Citations and some full-text of newspaper, magazine, and journal articles.
- ProQuest Central Essentials (ProQuest)
ProQuest Central Essentials searches across 12 subject databases and contains full-text articles in almost every discipline.
Contents: Full-text articles, abstracts, and ebooks.
- Wiley Online Library
Search across over 1,300 journals for full-text articles from Wiley.
Databases to Find Newspaper Articles
- New York Times (1980-present) (ProQuest)
Contents: Full-text NY Times articles, including New York Times Book Review (1988-present), New York Times Magazine (1997-present), New York Times Online (2015-present), and New York Times Video (2018-present). Updated daily.
- New York Times (1851-2020) (ProQuest)
This collection of articles from the New York Times is a subset of U.S. Major Dailies -- Historical Newspapers.
Contents: Full-text, digitized NY Times articles. 1851-2020.
- Newspaper Source (EBSCO)
Contents: Newspaper articles from national, regional, and international newspapers and television and radio news transcripts.
- U.S. Newsstream (ProQuest)
Newspapers covered includes The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Newsday, and Chicago Tribune.
Contents: Full-text newspaper articles, broadcast transcripts, blogs, and news sites from the United States.
- Ethnic NewsWatch (ProQuest)
Collects full-text articles from the ethnic, minority, and native press, including top scholarly journals on ethnicities and ethnic studies. Contents include African American, Arab, Middle Eastern, Asian American, European, Jewish, and Native American publications.
Contents: Full-text articles from newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journal. 1990-present; plus historical coverage of Native American, African American, and Hispanic American periodicals from 1959-1989.
- Nexis Uni (LexisNexis)
Contents: Full-text local, national, and international newspaper articles and legal resources.
Need search tips? See our guides for tips on Legal Searching and News Searching.
Note: The terms of use of this database place limits on the length of time that users may keep copies of material accessed from this service. Please review the terms before downloading any content.
Databases to Find Statistics
- Statista
Subjects are geared towards business and marketing statistical needs, and include consumer goods, media, politics, sports, travel, and technology.
Contents: Statistical information, data, infographics, and tables.
- SMA | Sports Market Analytics
Coverage includes sports equipment sales, sports participation statistics, the fan market, sports marketing information, and sponsorship for all major sports.
Contents: Full-text news and market research.
Websites to Find Statistics
- Insurance Information InstituteStatistics on sports injuries
- National Safety Council-Sports and Recreational InjuriesThis interactive table provides estimates of the number and rate of injuries treated in hospital emergency departments associated with various sports and recreational activities. Because the list of sports is not complete, and the frequency and duration of participation is unknown, no inference should be made concerning the relative safety of these sports and recreational activities.