ENVS 31000: Contemporary Applications of Ancient Agriculture
- ScienceDirect
Subjects covered include biology, chemistry, computer science, economics, environmental science, mathematics, medicine, neuroscience, nursing, physics, education, and psychology.
Contents: Abstracts and full-text articles from scientific, technological, and medical scholarly journals and reference books published by Elsevier.
Includes archival journal collections in the Arts & Sciences and Life Sciences covering language and literature, history, economics, political science, and health sciences.
Contents: Full-text articles and books.
Contains abstracts of journal articles on the environment including related topics such as agriculture, health, law, education, and technology.
Contents: Abstracts of journal articles.
- Environmental Science Database (ProQuest)
Topics covered include environmental science, engineering, biotechnology, bacteriology, atmospheric science, ecology, and biology.
Contents: Full-text articles.
- AgEcon SearchAgEcon Search contains full-text and abstracts of scholarly research in agriculture, economics, food security, policy, and more.
- AgNICThe Agricultural Network Information Collaborative covers agriculture, food, and natural resources.