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Naxos Music Library: User Guide

Faculty Playlists for Courses

Faculty are able to make playlists that are accessible by anyone logging into Naxos through the IC site. However, as they are different than personal playlists, you need to take a few different steps to create them:

Step 1

Go to (do not log into Naxos via the library page)

Step 2

Login with the instructor password/login (Please contact Kris Shanton, Music Librarian, for information on username/password

Step 3

Search for the tracks you want, select them, and add them to a playlist by clicking on the +

Step 4

When prompted to add track(s) to the playlist, make sure:

  1. You select the tab: "Waldo - Ithaca College Library Playlist"
  2. You select the folder with your last name (No folder? Create one by clicking on the +)
  3. Add to an existing playlist, or create a new one

Step 5

Your playlist(s) can now be viewed by anyone who logs into Naxos through the IC Library.

  • Let your students know
  • Playlists have static urls, and so can be linked to Sakai or Leganto

Kristina Shanton

Profile Photo
Kristina Shanton
Subjects: Music