ICSM 10800 Why Did I Get This Grade Labor Issues
Jennifer Richards
Starbucks workers rally and march in Seattle WA, CC License, Flickr
Your Place-General Information
- City-Data.comBy collecting and analyzing data from a variety of government and private sources, we're able to create detailed, informative profiles for every city in the United States. From crime rates to weather patterns, you’ll find the data you're looking for.
- Data USAThe most comprehensive visualization of U.S. public data. Data USA provides an open, easy-to-use platform that turns data into knowledge. The software code is open source - users can build custom applications by adding other data.
- Data.census.govIs the new platform to access data and digital content from the U.S. Census Bureau. The vision for data dissemination through data.census.gov is to improve the customer experience by making data available from one centralized place so that data users spend less time searching for data content and more time using it. For guidance on using data.census.gov, please see our Resources page at https://www.census.gov/data/adrm/what-is-data-census-gov.html.
- Statista
Subjects are geared towards business and marketing statistical needs, and include consumer goods, media, politics, sports, travel, and technology.
Contents: Statistical information, data, infographics, and tables.
- Opportunity AtlasWhich neighborhoods in America offer children the best chance to rise out of poverty?
The Opportunity Atlas answers this question using anonymous data following 20 million Americans from childhood to their mid-30s.
Now you can trace the roots of today's affluence and poverty back to the neighborhoods where people grew up.
See where and for whom opportunity has been missing, and develop local solutions to help more children rise out of poverty.
Databases to Find Newspaper and Magazine Articles
- Newspaper Source (EBSCO)
Contents: Newspaper articles from national, regional, and international newspapers and television and radio news transcripts.
- Ethnic NewsWatch (ProQuest)
Collects full-text articles from the ethnic, minority, and native press, including top scholarly journals on ethnicities and ethnic studies. Contents include African American, Arab, Middle Eastern, Asian American, European, Jewish, and Native American publications.
Contents: Full-text articles from newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journal. 1990-present; plus historical coverage of Native American, African American, and Hispanic American periodicals from 1959-1989.
- U.S. Newsstream (ProQuest)
Newspapers covered includes The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Newsday, and Chicago Tribune.
Contents: Full-text newspaper articles, broadcast transcripts, blogs, and news sites from the United States.
- News (Gale OneFile)
Formerly known as InfoTrac Newsstand, this database provides access to major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers and news sources, as well as world news sources.
Contents: Newspaper articles, images, and radio and TV broadcast transcripts.
- New York Times (1980-present) (ProQuest)
Contents: Full-text NY Times articles, including New York Times Book Review (1988-present), New York Times Magazine (1997-present), New York Times Online (2015-present), and New York Times Video (2018-present). Updated daily.
- New York Times (1851-2021) (ProQuest)
This collection of articles from the New York Times is a subset of U.S. Major Dailies -- Historical Newspapers.
Contents: Full-text, digitized NY Times articles. 1851-2021.
Finding Local History
- Preservation Directory.comOur goal is to foster the preservation of historic buildings, historic downtowns and neighborhoods, cultural resources and to promote heritage tourism by facilitating communication among historic preservation professionals and the general public.
- MuseumsUsa.orgDirectory of museums and historical societies. Search by municipality.
- Hathi Trust: Advanced Full-Text SearchSearch your location for historical publications.
- Native Land DigitalSee which indigenous groups resided where in the Americas. Native-Land.ca is not an organization (yet) and is run by Victor G Temprano, whose company, Mapster, funds the website. This is not an academic or professional survey of Indigenous territories, and the maps are constantly being refined from user input. These are meant more for the sake of helping people get interested and engaged.
Finding Newspapers (Cathy Michael)
- For current US regional news, use US Newsstream
For current world news, use Nexis Uni - To find a particular newspaper that is not free online (there is a paywall) use the Journals tab at the top of library's homepage and search the newspaper by title
- Newspaper Portals such as 50 states (US) or RefDesk.com (world news)
- Google your location with the word newspapers ex. Ithaca, NY newspapers
- Library Database: SRDS is used to find sources to place ads but can be used as a directory. Click on Newspapers atop the page & then select a Designated Market Area (DMA) which is typically a large city.
- The Editor & Publisher Newspaper Data Book is a directory of US newspapers. It is in print in the Reference section of the library.
- For historical news,
1. look at Wikipedia's list of online newspaper archives
2. use the library database: US Major Dailies : Historical Newspapers (Newspaper titles covered includes The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and Wall Street Journal.)
3. Ancestry.com includes historical news
Finding Laws & Legislation (Cathy Michael)
- Federal level: use Congress.gov for proposed legislation. Use the United States Code on GovInfo for Federal Laws.
- State level: google your state and the word legislation. Ex. New York State legislation -- I use the portal on the NYS Assembly's website
- Local level: for US towns and cities, try searching the city or town with the word code. Ex. City of Ithaca. (a lot of municipal codes are on the General Code platform). In the least, go to the website of your jurisdiction (Town, County, City) and browse the tabs for signs of a code or law. Also go to local websites to see if they post local government meeting minutes and agendas. Ex. City of Ithaca: Government. or Tompkins County Government. For schools, search your local School District. Ex. Ithaca City School District. Local newspapers will summarize key points of meetings for the public.
- International level: I would Google the State, City or school you're searching and mine their website to begin. Fill in blanks with newspaper searching in Nexis Uni.
- Caselaw Access Project 360 years of United States caselaw,
U.S. School District Information
National Center for Education Statistics (by district) Includes race/ethnicity and disability data
- Pending Cases Currently Under Investigation at Elementary-Secondary and Post-Secondary Schools (from the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights). This does not link out to actual cases but offers insight into the number of cases against school districts and college. Use the tabs to sort through the types of current cases:
- Race and National Origin Discrimination
- Sex Discrimination (including a gender harassment)
- Disability Discrimination
Demographics in Vietnam (via Statista)
Share of Population by Ethnicity in Malaysia as of 2021 (via Statista)
Special thanks: This guide was built collaboratively with contributions and assistance from Business Librarian Jim Bondra, and Communications Librarian Cathy Michael of Ithaca College .