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Library Services for International Students

Worldcat: Non-English Languages in IC Library

Search for books in other languages in the library using Worldcat and limit to the language of your choice as well as "items in my library."  Use broad terms when searching. 

Ebook Central: Language Search

Use  Ebook Central for full-text ebooks.
Change the language of your search by using the drop-down menu on the top bar.

Ebook Central Change Language

Ebrary also has some ebooks with the text in a non-English language.  To see available titles, select a language from the menu in the Advanced Search option:

Ebrary language search

Finding ESL Books

For ESL Speakers, our library has a collection of books designed to help you learn English:
  English Language - Textbooks for Foreign Speakers 

Using Text-to-Speech Services

Several of the Library's databases offer TEXT-TO-SPEECH capabilities - you can listen to the article or the ebook being read out loud.

Here is how in EBSCO