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Health Promotion and Physical Education

Evidence Based Practice

TRIP Database 
Clinical search tool designed to allow health professionals to rapidly identify the highest quality clinical evidence for clinical practice.
PubMed Clinical Queries 
Special filters help you to find clinically based articles focused on therapy, diagnosis, etiology, prognosis, clinical prediction guidelines, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, or medical genetics.

PubMed Health
PubMed Health specializes in reviews of clinical effectiveness research on prevention and treatment of diseases and conditions, with full technical reports as well as easy-to-read summaries for consumers
PEDro - Physiotherapy Evidence Database 
Contains abstracts of randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physical therapy. Most trials have been rated for quality. 

Guide to evidence-based physical therapy practice 
A comprehensive handbook that describes the evidence based process in clinical practice. 


Statistics Calculators

Evidence-Based Medicine Stats Calculator

  • Diagnostic Test: Calculates Sensitivity, Specificity, PPV, NPV, LR+, and LR.
  • Prospective Study: Calculates Relative Risk (RR), Absolute Relative Risk (ARR), and Number Needed to Treat (NNT).
  • Case-control Study: Calculates Chi-squared and OR.
  • Randomized Controlled Trial: Calculates Relative Risk, Absolute Relative Resk, Number Needed to Treat, Chi-squared, and OR.

Diagnostic Test Calculator

  • Determines diagnostic test characteristics: Prevalence, sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios, etc.
  • Determines post-test probabilities given pre-test probabilities & test characteristics.


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Laura Kuo