HLTH 31600: Research Methods and Analysis
Case Study
Try searching Medline/PubMed, CINAHL, SportDiscus, ERIC, PsycINFO, Academic Search Premier, ScienceDirect etc. for some interesting articles discussing the following health issue:
You are an employee at school district in a community with a lot of gun violence, and you want evidence about what programs might work to help the school population and families who are suffering from PTSD and overall mental health issues.
Search Term Ideas for Medline/PubMed, CINAHL, or SPORTDiscus
1 “gun violence”
2. school* or classroom* or k-12 or elementary school* or primary school* or middle school* or high school* or child* or adolescen*
3. mental health or post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD or trauma or social development or emotional development or socioemotional development or psychological development or emotional health
Limits: Year, English, Scholarly