Children's and Young Adult Literature
Fairy Tales
From the Beast to the Blonde by Marina Warner
Call Number: GR550 .W38 1995ISBN: 0374159017Publication Date: 1995-10-01Marina Warner looks at storytelling, at its practitioners and images in art, legend, and history.Grimms' Bad Girls and Bold Boys by Ruth B. Bottigheimer; Wilhelm K. Grimm; Jacob Grimm
Call Number: PT921 .B67 1987ISBN: 9780300043891Publication Date: 1987The fairy tale collection of the brothers Grimm has been a central document in German social and literary history for generations, mined for various purposes by scholars of many persuasions.The Uses of Enchantment by Bruno Bettelheim
Call Number: GR550 .B47 1977ISBN: 9780679723936Publication Date: 1989The great child psychologist gives us a moving revelation of the enormous and irreplaceable value of fairy tales - how they educate, support and liberate the emotions of children.The Hard Facts of the Grimms' Fairy Tales by Maria Tatar
Call Number: PT921 .T38 2003ISBN: 0691114692Publication Date: 2003Murder, mutilation, cannibalism, infanticide, and incest: the darker side of classic fairy tales figures as the subject matter for this intriguing study of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm's Nursery and Household Tales.
Examining Issues of Diverse Representations
The following are just a few web resources that spread awareness, share resources, and offer news in regards to diversity in youth literature.
American Library Associations Resources and BibliographiesALA presents this resource list of guidelines, assistance, examples and materials related to multicultural and diversity resources and collections.
CBC DiversityThe Children's Book Council launched its initiative on Diversity with the aim to promote literature all children can see themselves in.
Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) Publishing StatisticsThe CCBC first started counting books published by and about African Americans in 1985, and since then has expanded to count books published by and about merican Indians, Asian/Pacifics and Asian/Pacific Americans, and Latino, as a look at the diversity gap in publishing.
International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY)This non-profit organization aims to promote international books via regional networks and chapters, and supports endeavors such as the Hans Christian Andersen Award to encourage quality children's literature accessible the world over.
We Need Diverse BooksHelmed by author Ellen Oh, "We Need Diverse Books™ is a grassroots organization of children’s book lovers that advocates essential changes in the publishing industry to produce and promote literature that reflects and honors the lives of all young people."
Graphic Novels & Comics
The Blacker the Ink by Frances Gateward (Contribution by, Editor)
ISBN: 9780813572345Publication Date: 2015When many think of comic books the first thing that comes to mind are caped crusaders and spandex-wearing super-heroes.Graphic Novels and Comic Books by Kat Kan (Editor); H. W. Wilson (Editor)
Call Number: PN6710 .G736 2010ISBN: 9780824211004Publication Date: 2010This book explores the origins, development, and future of this vibrant and increasingly respected mode of expression.Multicultural Comics: From Zap to Blue Beetle by Frederick Luis Aldama (Editor); Derek Parker Royal (Foreword by)
ISBN: 9780292722811Publication Date: 2010Multicultural Comics: From Zap to Blue Beetle is the first comprehensive look at comic books by and about race and ethnicity.

Laura Kuo
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Subjects: Education, Health Science