CNPH 21400: Hollywood and American Film
- Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
This multidisciplinary database contains articles from magazines and peer-reviewed journals, as well as Associated Press (AP) video content (1930s-present).
Contents: Full-text articles and video.
- MLA International Bibliography (EBSCO)MLA is an extremely useful database for the topic of film. Try a keyword search for Auteur or use subject terms such as: Cinematographer, Cinematography, Film, Film editing, Film noir, Film theory and criticism, Filmmakers, Filmmaking, in the subject field
- Project MuseType a few words like FILM or MOTION PICTURES, and browse their autofill list. Hint: If you want to limit to full text only, select the ACCESS box for "Only content I have full access to" on the left hand side.
- America: History and Life (EBSCO)
Contains citations and abstracts covering US and Canadian history, popular culture, gender studies, anthropology, literature, and folklore.
Contents: Indexing for journals, citations and links to books and media reviews. 1895-present.
- Ebook Central (ProQuest)
Contains over 180,000 ebooks in nearly all disciplines including business, education, sciences, technology, law, and medicine.
Contents: Ebooks.
Need search tips? See our Guide for more information.
- Communication Source (EBSCO)
Contains content from communications journals, magazines and other publications, covering related disciplines including linguistics, rhetoric and discourse, speech-language pathology, and media studies.
Contents: Indexing, abstracts, and full-text articles. 1900-present.
- Communication Studies: a SAGE Full-Text CollectionUse terms like MOTION PICTURES or FILM CRITICISM as subjects along with your keywords.
- ProQuest DatabasesProquest allows you to limit your search results to film reviews. To do this, use an advanced search, select MORE OPTIONS, then DOCUMENT TYPE, and then limit results to FILM REVIEWS. Results can be sorted by type of publication: Scholarly, Popular or Trade
- Arts & Humanities Database (ProQuest)
Provides access to contemporary specialist arts titles and journals from related fields including ethnic studies, women’s studies, sociology, applied arts, and cultural studies. Subjects covered include art, architecture, design, history, philosophy, music, and literature.
Contents: Full-text articles from peer-reviewed and trade journals.
- Historical Abstracts (EBSCO)Good for finding criticism of motion pictures. Here are a few popular topics:
MOTION pictures -- History