POLT 350: Political Theory: Governing Gender
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I would use both the Library Search and EBSCO Research Library to start. Supplement with Google Scholar.
- Library Search: Advanced SearchChange the "Any Field" drop-down to Title to search by title. Under "Tweak my results" in the right menu, limit to "Library Catalog" to find books and videos available in the library.
- EBSCO Research Library
Search across all of our EBSCO subscriptions for full-text articles and abstracts in almost every discipline.
- LGBTQ+ Source (EBSCO)
Formerly known as LGBT life with Full Text, this database provides scholarly and popular LGBTQ+ publications.
Contents: Full-text articles, primary sources, monographs, magazines, and newspapers and a specialized thesaurus.
- GenderWatch (ProQuest)
Supports gender and women's studies, and gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender research.
Contents: Citations and full-text articles from academic, radical, community, and independent presses. 1970-present.
- SocINDEX with Full Text (EBSCO)
Covers a broad range of studies, including gender studies, criminal justice, social psychology, religion, racial studies, and social work.
Contents: Abstracts and full-text of scholarly journals, books, and conference papers.
- PsycInfo (APA) (EBSCO)
Subjects covered include psychology, behavioral and social science, neuroscience, business, nursing, law, and education.
Contents: Abstracts and full-text journal articles and dissertations.
- Google Scholar
This search engine includes peer-reviewed online academic journals, books, conference proceedings, theses, technical reports, court opinions, and other scholarly literature.
Contents: Citations and some full-text.
Note: Few results in Google Scholar link directly to full-text.
- Dissertations & Theses Global (ProQuest)
Contents: Full-text and citations of dissertations and theses on a variety of topics.