- Historical Abstracts (EBSCO)
Contents: Abstracts of articles, books, and dissertations on world history excluding United States and Canada. Covers 1450-present.
Includes archival journal collections in the Arts & Sciences and Life Sciences covering language and literature, history, economics, political science, and health sciences.
Contents: Full-text articles and books.
- Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials (EBSCO)
Produced by Atla, this database provides citations from religion and theology journals. The database also searches AtlaSerials (Atlas), a full-text collection of major religion and theology journals.
Contents: Full-text articles from more than 360 journals. Citations for articles, books, essays, and reviews. 1949-present (with retrospective indexing for several journal issues from the 1800s).
- Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
This multidisciplinary database contains articles from magazines and peer-reviewed journals, as well as Associated Press (AP) video content (1930s-present).
Contents: Full-text articles and video.