Independent Media
I. F. Stone
I. F. Stone Papers: Available at American University
New York Review of Books: I.F. Stone (articles by him)
I. F. Stone | American journalist. Encyclopedia Britannica.
Schwarz, J. (2015, May 7). Video: I.F. Stone’s One Weird Trick to Do Great Journalism. The Intercept. There is a video embedded called The Legacy of I.F. Stone in Vimeo.
The Izzy Award
From the Park Center for Independent Media:
The Izzy Award is named after maverick journalist I. F. "Izzy" Stone, who launched I. F. Stone's Weekly in 1953 and exposed government deception, McCarthyism, and racial bigotry. Presented by the Park Center for Independent Media annually for "outstanding achievement in independent media," the Izzy Award goes to an independent outlet, journalist, or producer for contributions to our culture, politics, or journalism created outside traditional corporate structures...
Past winners include Amy Goodman, Jeremy Scahill, Naomi Klein, John Carlos Frey, Glenn Greenwald, Todd Miller and independent news sources such as “City Limits” and “Mother Jones.”
I.F. Stone Hall of Fame
From the Park Center for Independent Media:
Membership in the I. F. Stone Hall of Fame is given to journalists who regularly produce groundbreaking stories on the most important issues of the day, especially stories ignored or downplayed in mainstream news media. To qualify for the Hall of Fame, journalists need to have won the annual Izzy Award and have continued to produce content that would qualify them to win it again and again. This occasional honor is reserved for the greatest and most productive journalists of our era . . . the new generation of Izzy Stones.
In 2016, Amy Goodman, executive producer and host of Democracy Now!, who received the very first Izzy Award with Glenn Greenwald, was inducted.
In 2014, inaugural members Glenn Greenwald, who with Amy Goodman received the very first Izzy Award, and Jeremy Scahill, who received the second Izzy Award, were inducted.
In IC Library
- Peabody, Fred, et al. All Governments Lie : Truth, Deception, and the Spirit of I.F. Stone . First Run Features, 2017.
- Bruck, Jerry. I. F. Stone’s Weekly a Film . Jerry Bruck Jr., 1973.
YouTube & Vimeo
- The Legacy of I.F. Stone Part 1 (Vimeo). White Pine Pictures.
- Day at Night: I.F. Stone, independent investigative journalist & editor of I.F. Stone Weekly (CUNY TV)
- American Radical: The Life & Times of I.F. Stone (August 12, 2009). DD Guttenplan talks about his book.
American Radical by D. D. Guttenplan Popular Front columnist and New Deal propagandist. Fearless opponent of McCarthyism and feared scourge of official liars. Enterprising, independent reporter and avid amateur classicist. As D.D. Guttenplan puts it in his compelling book, I.F. Stone did what few in his profession could - he always thought for himself. America's most celebrated investigative journalist himself remains something of a mystery, however. Born Isidor Feinstein in Philadelphia, raised in rural New Jersey, by the age of 25 this college drop-out was already an influential newsman, and enjoying extraordinary access to key figures in New Deal Washington and the friendship of important artists in New York. It is Guttenplan's wisdom to see that the key to Stone's achievements throughout his singular career - and not just in his celebrated I.F. Stone's Weekly - lay in the force and passion of his political commitments. Stone's calm, forensic, yet devastating reports on American politics and institutions sprang from a radical faith in the long-term prospects for American democracy. His testimony on the legacy of American politics from the New Deal and World War II to the era of the civil rights struggles, the Vietnam War, and beyond amounts to as vivid a record of those times as we are likely to have. Guttenplan's lively, provocative book makes clear why so many of his pronouncements have acquired the force of prophecy.
Call Number: General Stacks PN4874.S69 G88 2009ISBN: 0374183937Publication Date: 2009The Best of I. F. Stone by Karl Weber (Editor); Peter Osnos (Introduction by); I. F. Stone Izzy Stone was a reporter, a radical, an idealist, a scholar and, it is clear, a writer whose insights have more than stood the test of time. More than fifteen years after his death, this collection of his work from I.F. Stone's Weekly and elsewhere is astonishing in its relevance to our age, addressing the clash between national security and individual liberty, the protection of minorities, economic fairness, social justice, and the American military abroad. The core of Stone's genius was his newsletter, I.F. Stone's Weekly, published from the mid-1950s to the early 1970s. His meticulous dissection of the news was unsurpassed, a direct descendent of the great pamphleteers like Thomas Paine, and a forerunner to the best of today's political blogs. Stone's brilliant, investigative reporting; his wonderful, impassioned style; and his commitment to his values all make this collection an inspiration, and a revelation.
Call Number: General Stacks E742 .S68 2006ISBN: 158648463XPublication Date: 2006The Hidden History of the Korean War, 1950-1951 by I. F. Stone
Call Number: General Stacks DS919 .S76 1988ISBN: 0316817732Publication Date: 1988I. F. Stone by Andrew Patner
Call Number: General Stacks PN4874.S69 P38 1988ISBN: 0394558081Publication Date: 1988- The I.F. Stone's Weekly Reader. by Stone, I. F. (Isidor Feinstein), 1907-1989.Call Number: General Stacks E740.I23 S86 1973Publication Date: 1973
- In a time of torment ... by Stone, I. F. (Isidor Feinstein), 1907-1989.Call Number: General Stacks F839.4 .S7Publication Date: 1967
- Izzy by Robert C. Cottrell America's foremost left-wing journalist of the post-World War I era was I.F. "Izzy" Stone. At the time of his death in 1989, Stone had completed the passage he once predicted to his wife "from pariah to a character and then . . . a national institution." Now Robert Cottrell provides the first full-length biography of Stone, a fascinating story which parallels the story of the American Left. 12 illustrations.Call Number: General Stacks PN4874.S69 C67 1992ISBN: 0813518474Publication Date: 1992
- The killings at Kent State; how murder went unpunished by Stone, I. F. (Isidor Feinstein), 1907-1989.Call Number: General Stacks LD4191.O72 S8Publication Date: 1971
Polemics and Prophecies, 1967-1970 by I. F. Stone
Call Number: General Stacks E839.5 .S8ISBN: 039446981XPublication Date: 1970The Trial of Socrates by I. F. Stone
Call Number: General Stacks B317 .S76 1988ISBN: 0316817589Publication Date: 1988The Truman ERA by I. F. Stone
Call Number: General Stacks E813 .S85 1972ISBN: 0394475801Publication Date: 1972- Underground to Palestine by Stone, I. F. (Isidor Feinstein), 1907-1989Call Number: General Stacks D808 .S75 1978Publication Date: 1978