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Sexual Violence Resources

Legal Information

Federal Law

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
Title 20 Education
Chapter 38 Discrimination based on sex or blindness
sec. 1681 Sex

History (Nexis Uni):
Act June 23, 1972, P. L. 92-318, Title IX, § 901, 86 Stat. 373; Dec. 31, 1974, P. L. 93-568, § 3(a), 88 Stat. 1862; Oct. 12, 1976, P. L. 94-482, Title IV, § 412(a), 90 Stat. 2234.

Cleary Act
Title 20 Education
sec. 1092 Institutional and financial assistance information for students
(f) Disclosure of campus security policy and campus crime statistics


Laws of New York
New York Consolidated Laws: selected sections (as cited in HR training for employees of IC):

Penal Law  Part 3 Title H   Offenses Against the Person Involving Physical Injury, Sexual Conduct, Restraint and Intimidation (Arts. 120 — 135)
Article 120  Assault and related offenses
Article 130 Sex offenses

Part 3  Title N Offenses Against Public Order, Public Sensibilities and the Right to Privacy (Arts. 240 — 250)
Article 240 Offenses against public order
Article 245 Offenses against public sensibilities

Criminal Procedure Law Part 3 Title P Procedures for Securing Attendance at Criminal Actions and Proceedings of Defendants and Witnesses Under Control of Court—Recognizance, Bail and Commitment (Arts. 500 — 540)
Article 530.12 Protection for victims of family offenses

Education Law  Title 7 Article 129 B  Implementation By Colleges And Universities Of Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence And Stalking Prevention And Response Policies And Procedures (§§ 6439 — 6449)

sec. 6441 Affirmative consent to sexual activity

sec. 6442 Policy for alcohol and/or drug use amnesty

sec. 6443 Students' bill of rights

sec. 6444 Response to reports

Executive Law    Article 15 Human Rights Law sec. 296

Compliance & Enforcement

Abby Juda

Profile Photo
Abby Juda