CNPH 10100: Introduction to Film Aesthetics and Analysis
Finding Articles
- Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
This multidisciplinary database contains articles from magazines and peer-reviewed journals, as well as Associated Press (AP) video content (1930s-present).
Contents: Full-text articles and video.
- MLA International Bibliography (EBSCO)
Produced by the Modern Language Association (MLA), this resource contains citations covering literature, language, linguistics, folklore, literary theory and criticism, dramatic arts, and historical information about printing and publishing.
Contents: Citations, the MLA Directory of Periodicals thesaurus, and a searchable directory of noted authors' names.
- Project Muse
Subjects covered include literature and criticism, history, education, philosophy, political science, and gender studies.
Contents: Full-text peer-reviewed articles.
- ProQuest Research Library (ProQuest)
This custom link allows patrons to search across several ProQuest databases including APA PsycInfo, Healthcare Administration Database, Education database, Psychology Database, Research Library, and Social Science Database.
Contents: Full-text articles, abstracts, and ebooks.