Art Full Text (EBSCO)Includes citations and articles on art, including fine, decorative, and commercial art, as well as photography, architecture, and design.Contents: Indexing for art reproductions, indexing and abstracts for periodicals, peer-reviewed journals, and dissertations. Full-text articles from 1977-present.
Art Index Retrospective (EBSCO)Covers fine art, decorative art, and commercial art literature from nearly 600 publications.Contents: Citations and abstracts of articles, interviews, film and book reviews, bibliographies, exhibition listings, conference reports, anthologies, and editorials. 1929-1984.
Arts & Humanities Database (ProQuest)Provides access to contemporary specialist arts titles and journals from related fields including ethnic studies, women’s studies, sociology, applied arts, and cultural studies. Subjects covered include art, architecture, design, history, philosophy, music, and literature.Contents: Full-text articles from peer-reviewed and trade journals.
ArtstorContains images from approximately 300 collections from all over the world to support study across disciplines, including anthropology, fine art, archaeology, history, and theatre.Contents: Images.
Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA)The BHA, searchable along with Répertoire international de la littérature de l'art (RILA) 1975-1989, collects citations for European and American visual arts materials. Contents: Citations and abstracts for books, articles, conference proceedings, dissertations, and exhibition and dealer's catalogs. 1975-2007.
ARTFLThe ARTFL Project (Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language) is a service that provides access to several databases including ARTFL-FRANTEXT, French Women Writers, and Opera del Vocabolario Italiano (OVI).Contents: Visit ARTFL's website for a full list of the databases available through ARTFL.
JSTORIncludes archival journal collections in the Arts & Sciences and Life Sciences covering language and literature, history, economics, political science, and health sciences.Contents: Full-text articles and books.
General OneFile (Gale OneFile)This general-interest database covers a wide-range of topics.Contents: Citations and some full-text of newspaper, magazine, and journal articles.
Project MuseSubjects covered include literature and criticism, history, education, philosophy, political science, and gender studies.Contents: Full-text peer-reviewed articles.
ProQuest Research Library (ProQuest)This custom link allows patrons to search across several ProQuest databases including APA PsycInfo, Healthcare Administration Database, Education database, Psychology Database, Research Library, and Social Science Database.Contents: Full-text articles, abstracts, and ebooks.
Benezit Dictionary of British Graphic Artists and Illustrators by Stephen Bury (Editor)The Benezit Dictionary of British Graphic Artists and Illustrators consists of over 3,000 entries on a range of British artists, from medieval manuscript illuminators to contemporary cartoonists. Its core is comprised of the entries focusing on British graphic artists and illustrators. Highlights include the history of British printmaking and related activities in the production and illustration of printed books and manuscripts. Many entries include bibliographies, auction sale records, exhibition histories, and museum collection holdings. This collection also includes over 200 images of artists' signatures.