OTMS 46500 - 56500:Occupational Therapy Research Seminar
Adults with intellectual disabilities, interventions, transitions, employment
intellectual disabil* or learning disabil* or developmental disabil* or cognitive disabil*
employ* or job* or career*
intervention* or strateg* or best practice* or treatment or therap*
You could change the last concept from intervention to transition and see what comes up.
intellectual disabil* or learning disabil* or developmental disabil* or cognitive disabil*
employ* or job* or career*
Sarah L.
The social or life skills gap left behind by covid isolation, possible school based interventions around this
social skill* or social interaction* or social behavior or social competence or interpersonal skill* or social development
school based intervention* or school-based intervention* or school based program* or school-based program* or school health program* or education* intervention* or school environment*
covid or covid-19 or coronavirus or 2019-ncov or sars-cov-2 or cov-19
isolation or quarantine or loneliness or lockdown
social skill* or social interaction* or social behavior or social competence or interpersonal skill* or social development
covid or covid-19 or coronavirus or 2019-ncov or sars-cov-2 or cov-19
isolation or quarantine or loneliness or lockdown
Sarah K
MS, treatments, alternative medicine for it?
ms or multiple sclerosis or multiple-sclerosis
alternative medicine or alternative therap* or alternative treatment* complimentary medicine or complimentary therap* or complimentary treatment* or holistic medicine or holistic therap* or holistic treatment*
Virtual reality for folx with cognitive impairments
virtual reality or vr or augmented reality or virtual simulation
cognitiv* impair* or cognitiv* dysfunction* or cognitive rehab*
older adult* or elderly or senior* or geriatric*