TVDM 21500: Fiction Field Production
Finding Books
- Library Search: Advanced SearchChange the "Any Field" drop-down to Title to search by title. Under "Tweak my results" in the right menu, limit to "Library Catalog" to find books and videos available in the library.
- Ebook Central (ProQuest)
Contains over 180,000 ebooks in nearly all disciplines including business, education, sciences, technology, law, and medicine.
Contents: Ebooks.
Need search tips? See our Guide for more information.
- WorldCat via FirstSearch
Contents: Bibliographic information for books, journals, and multimedia owned by libraries worldwide.
Fairy Tales & Ghost Stories
Books from the library (keyword searches):
Fulltext books: free on the web:
- Google Books . (Search: full view only; Content: Books)
- HathiTrust Digital Library
- Internet Archive
Note: familiarize yourself with the Public Domain and Copyright (see also the page in the left menu) Donaldson's Clearance and copyright : Everything you need to know for film and television is recommended.
For writing help, read:
Vogler, C. (2007). The writer's journey : Mythic structure for writers (3rd ed.). Studio City, CA: Michael Wiese Productions.
Alsford, M. (2006). Heroes and villains . Waco, Tex: Baylor University Press.
How to Books
Books on Directing
Motion pictures--Production and direction.
Television--Production and direction
Books on Editing
Digital video--Editing
Motion pictures--Editing.
Selected Texts:
- Fabe, M. (2004). Closely watched films an introduction to the art of narrative film technique Berkeley: University of California Press. (Ebook Central)
- Field, S.(2005). Screenplay : The foundations of screenwriting (Rev. ed.). New York, N.Y: Delta Trade Paperbacks. (print)
- Glebas, F. (2009). Directing the Story Professional Storytelling and Storyboarding Techniques for Live Action and Animation. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Focal Press. (Ebook Central)
- Andrew Hicks Utterback author. (2016). Studio television production and directing : Concepts, equipment, and procedures / (Second edition..). New York ; London: Focal Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
- Kingdon, T. (2004). Total directing : Integrating camera and performance in film and television . Los Angeles: Silman-James Press. (print)
- Mamet, D. (1999). True and false : Heresy and common sense for the actor (1st ed.). New York: Vintage Books. (print)
- McCloud, S. (1994) Understanding comics : The invisible art (1st ed.). New York: Harper. (print). Find other books by Scott McCloud in the library. Visit Scott McCloud's website.
- Oldham, G. (2012). First cut : Conversations with film editors Berkeley: University of California Press. (Ebook Central)
- Rizzo, M. (2015). The art direction handbook for film & television / Michael Rizzo. (Second Edition..). New York ; London: Focal Press.
- Saltzman, S. (2015). Music editing for film and television : The art and the process / Steven Saltzman, MPSE. Burlington, MA: Focal Press.
- Weston, J. (1996). Directing actors : Creating memorable performances for film and television . Studio City, CA: M. Wiese Productions. (print)
Select Focal Press Titles (how to books):
- Anderson, Lucas, Hurbis-Cherrier, Saidens, Anderson, Kelly, Lucas, Martin, . . . Saidens, Amy. (2016). Documentary voice & vision : A creative approach to non-fiction media production
- Bernard, S. C. (2009). Archival storytelling : A filmmaker's guide to finding, using, and licensing third-party visuals and music . Amsterdam: Focal Press.
- Bernard, S. C. (2015). Documentary Storytelling: Creative Nonfiction on Screen (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Focal Press. (Ebook Central. Documentary storytelling : Creative nonfiction on screen )
- Block, B. A. (2008). The visual story : Creating the visual structure of film, TV and digital media (2nd ed.). Amsterdam: Focal Press/Elsevier.
- Braverman, B. (2010). Video shooter : Storytelling with HD cameras (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Focal Press.
- Cooper, P. (2000). Writing the short film (2nd ed.). Boston: Focal Press.
- Dancyger, K. (2007). Alternative scriptwriting : Successfully breaking the rules (4th ed.). Amsterdam: Elsevier/Focal Press.
- Dancyger, K. (2010). The Technique of Film and Video Editing: History, Theory, and Practice (5th ed.). Amsterdam: Focal Press. (Ebook Central)
- Dmytryk, E. (1984). On film editing : An introduction to the art of film construction . Boston ; London: Focal Press.
- Doyle, B. F. (2012). Make your movie : What you need to know about the business and politics of filmmaking. Waltham, Mass: Focal Press.
- Glebas, F. (2009). Directing the Story Professional Storytelling and Storyboarding Techniques for Live Action and Animation. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Focal Press. (Ebook Central)
- Honthaner, E. L. (2010). The Complete Film Production Handbook (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Focal Press. (Ebook Central)
- Hurbis-Cherrier, M. (2012). Voice & vision : A creative approach to narrative film and DV production (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Focal Press.
- Kaufman, L. (2009). Direct Your Own Damn Movie! Amsterdam: Focal Press/Elsevier. This is an e-book and can be accessed online.
- Kauffmann, S. (2017). Avid editing : A guide for beginning and intermediate users (6th ed.). Amsterdam ; Boston: Focal Press/Elsevier.
- Kellison, C. (2009). Producing for TV and New Media a Real-World Approach for Producers (2nd ed.). Amsterdam: Elsevier/Focal Press. (Ebook Central)
- Landry, P. (2012). Scheduling and budgeting your film : A panic-free guide . Amsterdam ; Boston: Focal Press/Elsevier.
- Levison, L. (2016). Filmmakers and financing : Business plans for independents (8th ed.). Burlington, MA: Focal Press.
- Millerson, G.(2009). Television production (14th ed.). Waltham: Focal Press. (Ebook Central) (*no purchase options for the 15th ed., 2012)
- Millerson, G. (2008). Video production handbook (4th ed.). Amsterdam: Focal Press.
- Proferes, N. T. (2008). Film directing fundamentals : See your film before shooting (3rd ed.). Amsterdam: Focal Press.
- Rabiger, M. (2013). Directing : Film techniques and aesthetics (5th ed.). Amsterdam: Focal Press.
- Rabiger, M. (2015). Directing the documentary (6th ed.). Amsterdam: Focal Press/Elsevier.
- Reisz, K. (2010). Technique of Film Editing (2nd ed.). Amsterdam: Taylor & Francis. (Ebook Central)
- Roberts-Breslin, J. (2003). Making media : Foundations of sound and image production Amsterdam: Focal Press.
- Rosenberg, J. (2011). The healthy edit : Creative editing techniques for perfecting your movie . Burlington, MA: Focal Press.
- Ulin, J. (2013). The Business of Media Distribution Monetizing Film, TV, and Video Content. (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Taylor and Francis. (Ebook Central)
- Utterback, A. (2016). Studio television production and directing : Concepts, equipment, and procedures
- Videomaker, Inc. (2008). The Videomaker Guide to Video Production (4th ed.). Amsterdam: Taylor and Francis. (Ebook Central)
Screenplays & Scripts on the web
Please search for a television script in the sources, below.
If you can't find one for free online, see if it is available in Script Fly. If funds are available, I'll try and purchase a copy. Email: Cathy Michael
- AwesomeFilm.comHTML copies of selected scripts. Not a pretty website. Some scripts have been removed.
- The Daily ScriptMuch like, these are selected HTML scripts. The website is also not pretty.
- Go Into the Story: Script Download Links100+ scripts made available by studios and production companies.
- Internet Movie Script Database (IMSDb)This site claims to be the largest resource. New releases are on the front page. Users can search, browse alphabetically or by genre.
- Move Scripts and ScreenplaysRecent finds are from 2007....The site breaks down scripts from A-F; G-O; and P-Z.
- Screenplays for YouAn A-Z list of scripts.
- Script-O-RamaLists scripts by title, script type (draft), and file type (html, pdf, doc, or txt).
- Script CityThis is a commercial site where TV and film scripts can be purchased. IC library has purchased some scripts so search the catalog first. You can also recommend a purchase
- The Script LabEducating & inspiring screenwriters since 2010
- Script SlugScript Slug is a hub of inspiration and eduction for the storytellers. They have hundreds of screenplays from professionally produced films and series, and we're constantly posting more. (About page)
- Simply ScriptsA database of hundreds of downloadable scripts, movie scripts, screenplays, and transcripts of current, classic and maybe a few soon-to-be-released movies, television, anime, unproduced and radio shows. -- website