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TVDM 21500: Fiction Field Production

IC Library Archives

The Ithaca College Archives houses a number carefully curated physical and digital assets documenting the ongoing history of Ithaca College. In addition, our archives house Special Collections, including the famed Rod Serling Archives

Serling Scripts & the Serling Award

The Encyclopedia of Television provides an entry for Rod Serling.  Quote, " His emphasis on character (psychology and motivation), the expedient handling of incisive, direct and forceful and painfully penetrating dialogue, alongside his moralizing subtext, placed him in a unique position to question mankind's prejudices and intolerance as he saw it."

Here are the Table of Contents to the published scripts.  The published copy of the scripts are available in the the library: 

Episodes can be or checked out on DVD from the library's Circulation/Reserves desk (either request online with your library account or provide the Video number to the student); the DVDs have supplementary materials such as interviews.

The Rod Serling Award for Advancing Social Justice Through Popular Media honors a contemporary media industry professional whose work shines the light on prejudice, inequality, and evolving social norms.

Of interest:

Researching the Twilight Zone & Black Mirror

Here are a few sample searches.  If you need help searching, contact me.

Library Search:  "Twilight Zone"  AND  Television

Library Search:  Novak AND "The Premise"

Library Search:   "Black Mirror" AND Netflix

Library Search:  Books by or about Rod Serling

EBSCO Research Library  "Twilight Zone" AND Television

EBSCO Research Library  "Black Mirror" AND Netflix (in TX all text  -- the words can be found anywhere in the article)

Media Mentioned in the Creativity Discussion

  • Horatio Alger.   Classic American author.
  • Russ Meyer.  IC Library currently does not own films by this "skin flick" director. Who remembers him?
  • Fitzgerald, F. Scott .  A writer of potential longevity.  A favorite author of one of the students.
  • Norman Mailer.  Possible author who may represent a generation.
  • Z    DVD 5590  A Greek pacifist leader is murdered at a rally. Despite the official police report of accidental death, a journalist's persistent questioning leads to a full-scale investigation, revealing corruption in high places.   Academy Award winner, 1969 : best film editing ; best foreign language film.  In French with subtitles in English
  • Gone with the Wind.  Not recommended by Serling.  Despite the beauty of the film and the actors, the film neglects to mention slavery.
  • Birth of a Nation.  Film by D.W. Griffith.  Serling compares Gone with the Wind; the film is criticized for positive depiction of slavery.
  • 2001, a Space Odyssey .  VIDEO 965   Based on the novel "The sentinel" by Arthur C. Clarke.   At the Dawn of Man, a group of hominids encounters a mysterious black monolith that is alien to their surroundings. 
  • Riefenstahl, Leni.  Propaganda filmmaker for Hitler.
  • Hemingway, Ernest .  A favorite author of Serling
  • Occurrence of Owl Creek Bridge by Abrose Bierce.  This story was adapted to film.  Sound, facial expression, and editing convey emotion that does not need verbal description.
  • The Diary of Anne Frank .  Writing that conveys human emotion.

Cathy Michael

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Cathy Michael
Ithaca College Library 953 Danby Rd
Ithaca, NY 14850‑7002