TVDM 13100: Media Writing
Manage Your Research: Google Docs Template
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FINISHED EXAMPLE (gerrymandering) MS Word. Fall 2020
Research Strategy: Documentary Film Scripts
Documentary Storytelling Creative Nonfiction on Screen by Sheila. Curran Bernard Cover; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Preface to the Fourth Edition; Acknowledgments; Sources and Notes; About the Author; CHAPTER 1 Introduction; PART I Understanding Story; CHAPTER 2 Story Basics; CHAPTER 3 Finding the Story; CHAPTER 4 Story Structure; CHAPTER 5 Time on Screen; CHAPTER 6 Creative Approach; CHAPTER 7 Close Viewing; PART II Working with Story; CHAPTER 8 Research; CHAPTER 9 Planning and Pitching; CHAPTER 10 Treatments and Proposals; CHAPTER 11 Shooting; CHAPTER 12 Editing; CHAPTER 13 Narration and Voice-Over; CHAPTER 14 Storytelling: A Checklist PART III Talking about StoryCHAPTER 15 Alex Gibney; CHAPTER 16 Susan Kim; CHAPTER 17 James Marsh; CHAPTER 18 Cara Mertes; CHAPTER 19 Stanley Nelson; CHAPTER 20 Deborah Scranton; CHAPTER 21 Kazuhiro Soda; CHAPTER 22 Orlando von Einsiedel; PART IV Additional Material; Films; Index
Call Number: ebookISBN: 1135015821Publication Date: 2015Documentary Filmmakers Handbook by Ned Eckhardt A complete guide to all phases of documentary production, this is an essential handbook for student filmmakers and professional documentarians alike. Written in clear, concise language and geared for easy reference, the text provides a progression of real-world learning skills, including project organization and production design. Also itemized is the necessary production equipment, with technical information refined for universal comprehension of the equipment and its application. Featured are exclusive interviews with several award-winning film and television documentarians, who explain in detail how they have conceived, planned, produced and directed their documentaries. Among the interviewees are Deborah Oppenheimer (Into the Arms of Strangers), Arnold Shapiro (Scared Straight!), Connie Bottinelli (Forensic Files) and Paul Gallagher (Behind the Music). The filmography lists every documentary cited in the handbook, with relevant and related websites.
Call Number: General Stacks PN1995.9.D6 E24 2012ISBN: 9780786460434Publication Date: 2011Succeeding As a Documentary Filmmaker: a Guide to the Professional World by Alan Rosenthal While many film programs prepare students for the realities of Hollywood, comparatively little guidance is provided for the aspiring documentary filmmaker. Alan Rosenthal fills this void with Succeeding as a Documentary Filmmaker: A Guide to the Professional World. Unlike traditional manuals on documentary filmmaking, which focus primarily on the creation of films, this user-friendly volume draws upon real-world examples and the advice of experienced filmmakers to provide essential information about the nonfiction movie business. From the basics of the current film business environment and how to navigate it, to tips on how to maximize distribution and sales for a finished film, Rosenthal leads novice filmmakers step-by-step through the professional arena of documentary moviemaking. Included here are recommendations for how to make the most of a film school education; the best ways to find financing for a film and the realities of working with a budget; how to develop a successful proposal for a project; the intricacies of working both as an independent filmmaker and for others; and insight into the often complicated arenas of contracts and markets. Throughout the volume, Rosenthal shares the expertise of actual filmmakers on such subjects as film school and starting a career; pitching and funding projects; contract negotiation; effective marketing; and commissioning editors and legal help. Not limiting himself to merely the documentary world, the author also offers valuable information and advice for filmmakers interested in other genres of nonfiction movies - such as industrial, public relations, travel, and educational films - to provide a truly comprehensive and one-of-a-kind guide for readers. Packed with useful tips for novices, film students, and practitioners alike, Succeeding as a Documentary Filmmaker is an indispensable addition to the library of anyone involved in the world of nonfiction filmmaking."
Call Number: ebookISBN: 1280697520Publication Date: 2012
Find a Subject
Use one of the library's subject guides to find resources for your topic.
- CQ Researcher
This database contains reports and analysis with opposing viewpoints on current issues.
Contents: Reports including background information and chronology, assessments, pro/con statements, and bibliographies.
- Gale Ebooks
Formerly known as Gale Virtual Reference Library, this collection contains reference materials covering business, philosophy, history, film, Jewish studies, and more.
Contents: Ebooks.
- Opposing Viewpoints (Gale in Context)
Contains a range of perspectives on many important social issues and current events, with pro/con viewpoints in an interdisciplinary resource. Areas of focus include science, environmental studies, politics, business, and social sciences.
Contents: Reference articles, viewpoints, infographics, news, periodical content, multimedia, and more.
- Library Search: Advanced SearchChange the "Any Field" drop-down to Title to search by title. Under "Tweak my results" in the right menu, limit to "Library Catalog" to find books and videos available in the library.
- Library Search: Advanced SearchUse the keywords you brainstormed on. As the Library Search is robust, you may need a lot of keywords. Also use the Tweak Your Results in the right menu.
- EBSCO Research Library
Search across all of our EBSCO subscriptions for full-text articles and abstracts in almost every discipline.
Newspaper Coverage
- Nexis Uni (LexisNexis)
Contents: Full-text local, national, and international newspaper articles and legal resources.
Need search tips? See our guides for tips on Legal Searching and News Searching.
Note: The terms of use of this database place limits on the length of time that users may keep copies of material accessed from this service. Please review the terms before downloading any content.
- U.S. Newsstream (ProQuest)National, regional, news wires, transcripts and the Ithaca Journal
- Statista
Subjects are geared towards business and marketing statistical needs, and include consumer goods, media, politics, sports, travel, and technology.
Contents: Statistical information, data, infographics, and tables.
- BallotopediaBallotpedia is the digital encyclopedia of American politics and elections --About page
Associations, Organizations, and Think Tanks, and Public Opinion
- Advocacy groups and organizations will typically be mentioned in journalistic treatments such as news articles and the CQ Researcher, above.
- Business Associations: Business Insights Essentials ex. Search: Apple. Under Industries, click "Electronic Computer Manufacturing"; from the left menu, click "Associations."
- Policy ArchiveA digital library of public policy research containing over 30,000 documents.
Government Information
- GovInfoPortal to documents from the Government Publishing Office (budget, bills, hearings, Constitution, US Code, etc.). Formerly: FDsys, GPO Access
- National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)Gathers policy information state-by-state.
- American Factfinder from the U.S. Census BureauFind census data on people, housing, the economic census on businesses, employment, education, income, etc. by city/town/county/state and the nation as a whole.
- Government Accountability Office (GAO)The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) is an independent, nonpartisan agency that works for Congress. Often called the "congressional watchdog," GAO investigates how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars.
- EveryCRSreport.comPosts reports by the Congressional Research Service, a nonpartisan think tank for Congress that analyzes topics of public debate.
- Statistical Abstract of the United States
Summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States.
Contents: Statistical tables.