Communication Research Methods
Articles: Table of Contents
When searching, if you see the "GET IT" icon, click on it. You'll be taken to the full text or to ILL if full text is unavailable.
- EBSCO Research LibraryEBSCO Research Library searches across all the subject specific indexes on the EBSCO platform including the databases listed, below (Communication Source; Business Source Premiere; Professional Development Collection)
- Communication Source (EBSCO)
Contains content from communications journals, magazines and other publications, covering related disciplines including linguistics, rhetoric and discourse, speech-language pathology, and media studies.
Contents: Indexing, abstracts, and full-text articles. 1900-present.
- Communication Studies: a SAGE Full-Text Collection
Contains articles from communications journals covering related disciplines including journalism, public opinion, political communication, mass communication, television and media, and management.
Contents: Full-text articles from Sage journals.
- Business Source Premier (EBSCO)
Covers all areas of business.
Contents: Full-text articles, books, news industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses, working papers, and more.
- Professional Development Collection (EBSCO)
This resource is intended for professional educators, and subjects covered include education and curriculum.
Contents: Abstracts and full-text of peer reviewed journal articles, newspaper articles, and educational reports.
Sample Searches
The links, below, are sample searches across the following databases: Communication Source, Business Source Premier, Professional Development Collection
Make a Research Consultation appointment with Cathy Michael for assistance with searching:
- Content Analysis AND Communication or "mass media"
- Focus Groups AND Communication or "mass media"
- Internet Surveys AND Communication or "mass media"
- Methodology AND Research AND Social Media
- Questionnaires AND Communication or "mass media"
- Research Methodology Evaluation AND Communication or "mass media"
Selected Journals
This is a selection of journals with full or partial fulltext access through Ithaca College library. For access to journals that we do not subscribe to, try Interlibrary Loan.
Communication Research
Communication Research
Communication Research Reports
Communication Research Trends
Human communication research
Journal of Applied communication research
Journal of intercultural communication research
Qualitative research reports in communication
Media Research
China media research
Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research
Journal of magazine & new media research
Marketing Research
International journal of research in marketing
Journal of Historical Research in Marketing
Journal of Management and Marketing Research
Journal of Marketing research (AMA)
Journal of research in interactive marketing