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Communication Research Methods

Collecting Data

Create a Google Form
Besides Google Docs, you can collect data using Google Forms.  Here is an instruction from Google.

Learn How with
You can also lean how to create form using's online tutorial, "Google Forms: Essential Training" with Jess Stratton.  Ithaca College has a subscription to  I access it through    There  is an entire series called, "Learning Design Research."  There is also an instruction video called, "Survey Monkey: Essential Training" that might be of interest.   

Qualtrics: used by IC Researchers
Ithaca College has a subscription to Qualtrics for creating surveys.  They provide a help page for Survey Basics.  As a subscription product, it has a steeper learning curve (more bells and whistles) than Google or Survey Monkey.                     


Sources for finding Data

Institutional Review Board

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The IRB is a standing committee at Ithaca College that is responsible for reviewing all research and teaching activities conducted by IC faculty, staff, and students that involve the use of human subjects to ensure that these activities minimize the potential for risk.

To determine if IRB approval is required or which application to submit, please use the Decision Tree.      

Cathy Michael

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Cathy Michael
Ithaca College Library 953 Danby Rd
Ithaca, NY 14850‑7002