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ICSM Phenomenology of Art

Library Instruction Objectives

Course Description: In what way do we experience works of art? What does it mean to perceive something as beautiful? Are our judgments of art-works based on taste alone, or do they have cognitive content? This course will acquaint you with some of the central concepts and issues in aesthetics – the branch of philosophy dedicated to the notion of the ‘beautiful’. We will put special emphasis on aesthetic experience from our first-person point of view: our aim will be to describe and analyze our experiences and use what we learn from this in our arguments concerning the nature, the features, and the value of various works of art. 

Library Session Learning Objectives:

  1. Discover Library resources and services and how to ask for help.
  2. Evaluate source types (books, scholarly articles, tweets, etc.) and when best to use them.
  3. ​Find and access a books and articles using the Library Search. 
  4. Generate citations in the Library Search.

[German] Graffiti ander Außenmauer und der Sporthalle des Gymnasiums, mit Szenen im Coronamodus
[German] Graffiti ander Außenmauer und der Sporthalle des Gymnasiums, mit Szenen im Coronamodus
Burkhard Mücke, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Cathy Michael

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Cathy Michael
Ithaca College Library 953 Danby Rd
Ithaca, NY 14850‑7002