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DEIJA Projects

Collections Projects

Increase access to resources that are authored by or focus on voices from communities that have traditionally been marginalized or excluded from academic scholarship.

Pilot project to purchase award-winning DEIJA books

  • Awards list from Colorado State (Received 2023 04 20)
  • Funded with $1,500. (2023 04 26)
  • Awards list checked against our holdings (2023 06). We have purchased 12% over the past 5 years, but almost all before the pandemic.
  • Partner for developing criteria for selecting which awards: Virgilio Pinto. (2023 08 22)
  • Awards list shared with consultant (Done 2023 09 07)
  • Desire to make one focus on Native American/Indigenous voices. (Our lists have only one award in this area). (2023 09 07)
  • Consider preparing a list from which the selectors can choose to keep to the funding limits better.
  • Educational resource to help inform the project: Finding Our Way Forward: A Roadmap for Anti-racist Collection Development. (2023 11 28)
  • Met with Dr. Bright and Virgilio to determine criteria for selection and an approach to this year's purchasing.
    • 1. DEIJA topics in general
    • 2. Indigenous author/topic - preference for local/regional indigenous peoples (New York State, Northeastern US and Canada)
    • 3. Intersectional with other DEIJA topics, including accessibility for differently-abled persons, and social justice along with the more obvious racial, LGBTQIA+, etc. topics.
    • 4. Award winners
    • 5. Special sub-focus: religious tolerance - in particular Jewish and Muslim issues related to the current situation in the Middle East and on college campuses.
  • Additional $3,000 set aside from CCDA funds for this project (2024 01 26)
  • First round of titles, totally slightly over $1,500, ordered. (2024 02 02)
  • ProQuest and Gale have generate more focused lists for us to review (2024 02 02)
  • Explored other vendors including Elgar, Lived Places, Readex, Living Justice Press, Springer, and others (2024 03 18)
  • Attended Clarivate webinar: Indigenising the Curriculum: How to embed indigenous knowledge into library collections and why it matters. (2024 03 19)
  • Additional titles reviewed; more titles selected, orders being placed (2024 03 20)
  • Met with Dr. Bright about assessment. (See details in Next steps) (2024 04 05)
  • Next steps: At least 6 months after items have been added to the collection, review circulation statistics. Consider working with subject liaisons about use of these materials in classes. Learn from experience for more inclusive selections in the future.

Subscription to ProQuest’s Black Studies database

  • Partner: Terri Ann Coronel (2023 03)
  • Funded for 2 years (2023 04 13).
  • Met with Dr. Bright about assessment: After implementing the marketing plan, some possible assessment points include: usage statistics, how many classes include assignments which require its use, to how many classes has it been promoted, and are the liaisons using it (in teaching and in answering reference questions).(2024 04 05)
  • Next steps: Create marketing plan (see below), track usage, and seek continuing funding if appropriate.

Collaboration with liaisons to increase use of new resources

  • Initial Partners: Abby Juda and Jenny Richards. (2023 08 21)
  • Terri Ann Coronel takes lead on this project (2024 01 04)
  • Work with public services librarians to develop a marketing plan to increase usage (Begun 2024 03 19)
  • Met with Dr. Bright about assessment: After implementing the marketing plan, some possible assessment points include: usage statistics, how many classes include assignments which require its use, to how many classes has it been promoted, and are the liaisons using it (in teaching and in answering reference questions).(2024 04 05)
  • Next steps: Implement and assess marketing plan.

Seek sources for medical textbooks with more diverse representation

  • Consultant seeking sources. (Begun 2023 09 21)
  • After deep research, consultant has determined these sources do not currently exist. She will continue to monitor the environment for changes. (2024 01 22)
  • Next steps: Consider supporting advocacy efforts. Join with others to urge publishers to create and sell materials with more diverse representation, particularly medical textbooks. If any of our subject specialists attend MLA, ask if they will advocate with publishers in person. (2024 04 05)

Created 2023 09 26; updated 2024 05 15

Karin Wikoff

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Karin Wikoff