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DEIJA Projects

Policies & Statements

Review current policies and statements to reflect our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and accessibility in our collections and to the integration of inclusive practices.

Create Guiding Statement for DEIJA projects.

Ithaca College Library’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and accessibility (DEIJA) is driven by a belief in the essentialness and value of DEIJA to the work of the Library and Ithaca College as a whole. The Library strives to focus on what can be done, rather than trying to do everything. An emphasis on small but intentional DEIJA projects, in keeping with the available resources, will allow the Library to engage in DEIJA work with the potential for positive impacts. It is through this intentionality that we will be able to create an organization focused on the integration of DEIJA practices into all the work of the Library, while supporting and contributing to the success of the College. (Done 2023 09 12)

Revise Collection Development Policy

  • First pass review shared and discussed with consultant. (Done 2023 09 04)
  • Review other libraries' policies. (Done 2023 09 05)
  • Complete Collection Development Policy Rubric and return to consultant (Done 2023 09 28)
  • Ron Gilmour recommends removing Web Site portion of policy (2023 12 14)
  • Terri Ann Coronel and Kate Payne prepare changes to E-Resources portions of policy (2024 01 19)
  • College Librarian suggests removal of references to Archives in policy until situation is resolved.
  • Meet with Abby Juda, Jenny Richards, and Dr. Bright to make revisions to the policy. (2024 02 02)
  • Integrate all recommended changes into full draft of our recommended policy revisions (2024 02 06)
  • Draft shared and discussed at Librarians' Meeting; DEIJA sections approved (2024 02 14)
  • Revisions to other sections of Collection Development Policy drafted by other librarians and approved by the College Librarian. Sent to Web Services Librarian to be posted to website policies page. Project complete. (2024 05 28)
  • Next steps: After 6 months or a year, consider focus groups to assess impact.

Statement on Potentially Offensive and Harmful Content

Environmental scan, multiple drafts with Cataloging Team. (Done and posted 2023 01 26). See Statement

Met with Dr. Bright about assessment: Research where else the statement has been posted (such as in subject guides), and monitor usage. (2024 04 05)

Revise Electronic and Technical Services Departmental Mission Statement.

Team Tech Services
Organizes info for
Resources access.

We, your providers,
Acquire, process, pay; support
the love of learning.

Neutral we are not.
Listen to unheard voices.
Acknowledge bias.

Small, intentional,
Inclusive acts as we seek
Positive impacts.

Project complete (2023 10 25)

Review and update other existing policies, as appropriate.

Research and consider a book challenge policy, as it relates to DEIJA materials in our collection.

  • Research shared with College Librarian for her consideration (2024 01 26)

Met with Dr. Bright about assessment: Reflect on our own practices. Consider focus groups or a 20 minute agenda item at a librarians' meeting. Ask:

  • Is now easier for us to focus on including a DEIJA perspective in our work?
  • How did it feel to be included in the process of developing the policies and statements?
  • Have we seen any changes?
  • Did we miss anything?
  • Are we helping, hurting, or having no impact on the people we are hoping to help?
  • (2024 04 05)

Created 2023 09 26; updated 2024 05 29

Karin Wikoff

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Karin Wikoff