Company Research
Public or Private?
Is the company you are researching public or publicly traded (traded on a stock exchange) or private (privately held)? There will usually be much more information on publicly traded companies. The easiest way to determine this is to check one or more of the following sources:
Sources to Determine if Public or Private
- Yahoo FinanceSearch by Company Name or Ticker Symbol ( ). If the company does not have a ticker symbol, assume that it is privately held.
- Morningstar Investment Center
Find stock and mutual fund research, including information on the New York Stock Exchange, exchange-traded funds, and investment indexes.
Contents: Articles, videos, financial information.
Note: Access is limited to 1 user at a time.
- Nexis Uni (LexisNexis)Go to Company Dossier (upper left corner), Find a Company, Search Headquarters Only. A publicly held company will have a ticker symbol.
- NetAdvantage (S&P)
From Standard & Poor's, this database contains financial information for US and global companies, including current and past stock prices, annual reports, SEC and Canadian SEDAR filings, industry surveys, and other information for business research and analysis.
Note: For an overview of the database, please see our video.
- BloombergBloomberg is a terminal-bound financial services platform that provides analysis and quotes for equities (stocks) and indices, company and economic data for the countries of the world, real-time and historical industry and market news, and advanced analytical and data functions. It is an industry standard in the financial services and investment banking industries. Higher education terminals - including Ithaca College terminals found in the Trading Room in the School of Business and in the Library (to the right in an office behind the New Books shelf) do not include the trading module and market data is delayed by 15 minutes.
- Bloomberg.comBloomberg delivers business and markets news, data, analysis, and video to the world, featuring stories from Businessweek and Bloomberg News. This page will only give a snapshot of news. To get full access you must subscribe.