Company Research
Finding Competitors
- Nexis Uni (LexisNexis)Go to Company Dossier (upper left), Search Find a Company by name/ticker symbol. Make sure to check the box-Only show headquarters location. Under Company Information, choose Competitors.
- Morningstar Investment CenterCompetitors will be listed under the Overview and Industry Peers sections.
- NetAdvantage (S&P)Search for a company by name or ticker symbol. Once it comes up, Choose Peer Analysis>Quick Comps.
Using S.I.C. or N.A.I.C.S Codes to Find Competitors
The 4 or 6 digit codes are either assigned by a governmental organization or a database publisher. They will allow you to find articles in various databases or compile a list of companies/competitors in the same industry. Companies either manufacture items such as automobiles or provide services such as banking. Each of these has a unique code.
If a database allows, please use the primary code assigned to a company. This is the main business/industry a company will be in, as many companies may be in a wide variety of industries. These other businesses will be their secondary industry codes. The NexisUni Database does an especially good job of assigning the primary and secondary codes for a company.
Standard Industrial Classification (S.I.C.) codes -a 4 digit system which is older but still widely used.
North American Industrial Classification System (N.A.I.C.S) -newer 6-digit system which allows a finer definition of the industry/industries
Standard Industrial Classification Codes (S.I.C.)2-4 digit codes searchable by number or keyword(s).
North American Industrial Classification System (N.A.I.C.S) Codes6 digit codes searchable by number or keyword(s).