Company Research
Securities and Exchange (S.E.C) & Company Documents & Presentations
Be sure to look at the following documents retrieved either from going to the company's website and searching for Investor Relations or to one of the sites such as SEC/Edgar or SECInfo. You will want to look at the following documents:
- Form 10-K (official, audited yearly financial report). This includes a description of the business(es) a company is in, financials, MD&A (Management Discussion and Analysis), segment information, legal information, etc.). A foreign company which trades on a U.S. exchange will file a Form 20-F.
- Form 10-Q (unaudited quarterly financial report). Filed 3x yearly. Not quite as in-depth as the Form 10-K.
- 8-K Used to report different events such as management coming or leaving, relationships with other companies, etc.
- EDGAR Database (Securities and Exchange Commission)
Contains official SEC documents including Form 10-K, 10-Q, proxy statements, registration statements, and merger and acquisition documents.
Note: Be sure to look at the DEF14A (Proxy) statements and the Management Discussion and Analysis sections of Form 10-K & 10Q for insights into management.
- SEC InfoThis site links to various Securities and Exchange Commission documents that companies are required to file.
- Seeking AlphaStock market Insights & financial analysis, including free earnings call transcripts, slide presentations, investment ideas and ETF & stock research written by finance experts.
S.E.C. Documents (Powerpoint Presentation)
- S.E.C. Documents (Power Point)PowerPoint presentation on the most common S.E.C. documents and the information they contain.