TVDM 49600: Documentary Workshop
Ithaca College Library Collection
Ithaca College Library collects documentary films. The majority of the collection is in DVD format. You can browse the collection by searching the Genre as Documentary Film (sorted by date newest).
After identifying a film via Library Search, log into your library account and click Request; or, write down the VIDEO number and ask for it at the Circulation/Reserves Desk.
If you need an external DVD or Blu-ray Drive, you can ask for one at either the Multimedia Desk on the 3rd floor or the Circulation Desk near the Library Main Entrance.
Loan periods for the external drives or for Multimedia appear on this page.
If we don't own a film, we can place an Interlibrary Loan request and try and borrow it. First, use the Library's website to search the film. If no item was found, click "Try searching beyond the IC Library" for holdings from other libraries. Amazon, Hulu, and Netflix documentaries are typically not available for institutional purchase by libraries.
If you have a recommendation for purchase, or need help with these instructions, contact Cathy Michael.
Other Means of Access
- New York Times: Op DocsYou should be able to access NYTimes opinion documentaries. Here is a guide on how to claim a pass and access the NYTimes online:
- Search the library catalog by a subject, automotive industry, for example, and then limit to the filter: Videos.
- There are some free streaming apps that contain documentaries including:
YouTube. (I like to search for a specific subject and the word documentary)
Peacock - Amazon, Hulu, Disney+, Paramount+, Netflix, and Google Play include documentaries with a subscription.
- CinemapolisOn the Commons in downtown Ithaca:
120 E. Green Street.
Ithaca, New York 14850 - Cornell CinemaAt Cornell University
104 Willard Straight Hall, Ithaca, NY, 14853