STCM 45000: Communication Consulting Lab
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- Blogs
- Boards of directors.
- Branding
- Business communication
- Business presentations
- Communication in organizations
- Communication in management
- Communication in personnel management
- Conflict Management
- Corporate culture
- Corporate governance
- Corporate image
- Corporations Public relations United States
- Corporations--Corrupt practices
- Crisis management
- Emergency communication systems
- Emergency management
- Employees--Coaching of
- Employees--Training of.
- Employment Interviewing
- Executive succession
- Graphic design (Typography)
- Industrial publicity
- Interviewing
- Leadership
- Negotiation
- Organizational behavior
- Organizational change.
- Organizational effectiveness
- Performance standards
- Performance technology
- Personnel management
- Public relations firms
- Public relations Management
- Public relations Moral and ethical aspects
- Public relations Evaluation
- Public relations Social aspects
- Social responsibility of business
- Social media
- Special events--Planning.
- Storytelling
Selected Books
Gower Handbook of Internal Communication by Marc Wright (Editor) A comprehensive guide to managing communication within organizations, the Handbook recognises Internal Communication's continued growth as a management discipline. It is aimed at leaders who want insight into IC techniques for use in both day-to-day operational and change situations, for example, and also at the communication specialist seeking shared wisdom and new ideas. Early chapters examine changes in the strategic context in which today's IC departments are operating. These include organizations' increasing need for innovation and responsiveness in a superfast changing environment; employees' increasing assertion of rights and personal requirements at work; management's increasing recognition of the importance of corporate reputation/brand value, particularly how to sustain and extend it; and finally, the effects on work and management patterns of digital communication. Step-by-step guides introduce you to creating IC strategies and to carrying out research and measurement.
Call Number: onlineISBN: 1317125266Publication Date: 2016The Handbook of Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility by Jennifer Bartlett (Editor); Steve May (Editor); Øyvind Ihlen (Editor) This book represents the definitive research collection forcorporate social responsibility communication, offeringcross-disciplinary and international perspectives from the topscholars in the field. Addresses a gap in the existing CSR literature Demonstrates the relevance of effective CSR communication forthe management of organizations The 28 contributions come from top scholars in publicrelations, organizational communication, reputation management,marketing and management
Call Number: General Stacks HD60 .H334 2011ISBN: 9781444336344Publication Date: 2011The Handbook of Crisis Communication by W. Timothy Coombs (Editor); Sherry J. Holladay (Editor) Written as a tool for both researchers and communication managers,the Handbook of Crisis Communication is a comprehensiveexamination of the latest research, methods, and criticalissues in crisis communication. Includes in-depth analyses of well-known case studies incrisis communication, from terrorist attacks to HurricaneKatrina Explores the key emerging areas of new technology and globalcrisis communication Provides a starting point for developing crisis communicationas a distinctive field research rather than as a sub-discipline ofpublic relations or corporate communication
Call Number: General Stacks HD49 .H35 2010ISBN: 9781405194419Publication Date: 2009The IABC Handbook of Organizational Communication by Tamara Gillis; IABC Praise for The IABC Handbook of Organizational Communication "Looking to expand your professional abilities? Learn newskills? Or hone your area of expertise? This book delivers anamazing and practical study of our profession--and a guidebookfor strategic communication best practices. The Handbook exploresthe many aspects of our profession with expert insights of the bestof the best in communication."--John Deveney, ABC, APR,president, Deveney Communication "Chalk up a win for Team IABC. Editor Tamara Gillis hasassembled a winning lineup of the best communicators to compilethis useful, readable Handbook. Not another how-to-do-it tacticalmanual, this volume draws from theory and global best practices toexplain the strategic reasons behind modern communication. Amust-read for anyone interested in understanding the communicationprofession and a useful desktop companion to the professionalcommunicator's dictionary and style guide."--William Briggs,IABC Fellow and director, School of Journalism and MassCommunications, San Jose State University "It is a real pleasure to read this latest version. It presentsa sound, research-based foundation on communication--itsimportance to organizations, why the function must be strategic,and what it takes to get it right."--John G. Clemons, ABC, APR,corporate director of community relations, Raytheon "All myths about organizational communicators being brainwashed,biased corporate journalists are out the window. This stellarcompendium from dozens of authors, researchers, and editors of highprofessional stature is timely and forward-thinking. Communicationstudents particularly will benefit from understanding the complexdisciplines that intertwine and drive effective organizationalcommunication."--Barbara W. Puffer, ABC, president, PufferPublic Relations Strategies, and associate professor and coursechair, Communications Studies and Professional Writing, Universityof Maryland University College
Call Number: ebookISBN: 1118016351Publication Date: 2011Event Planning and Management by Ruth Dowson; David Bassett The events industry is an exciting, innovative, diverse and highly challenging environment in which to work. Event Planning and Management offers a structured, practical approach to all types of events, from the initial planning, to final evaluating stages. It introduces the key models and theories but focuses on the practical side of building and working with a team, choosing a location, creating a programme, dealing with stakeholders and sponsors, promoting the event, essential financial and procurement considerations and finally evaluating the event. Each stage of the process is fully supported with online resources including templates and discussion questions to make up a complete event planner's toolkit. Balancing coverage of the key theory and models with essential practical guidance, tools and case studies from organizations such as London 2012 and the Prince's Trust, Event Planning and Management is an ideal handbook for students and practitioners alike. About the PR in Practice series: Published in collaboration with the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), the PR in Practice series comprises accessible, practical introductions to day-to-day issues of public relations practice and management. The series' action-oriented approach keeps knowledge and skills up to date.
Call Number: General Stacks GT3405 .D69 2015ISBN: 9780749471392Publication Date: 2015