STCM 45000: Communication Consulting Lab
Researching Theories
Encyclopedia of Communication Theory by Stephen W. Littlejohn (Editor); Karen A. Foss (Editor) The Encyclopedia of Communication Theory provides students and researchers with a comprehensive two-volume overview of contemporary communication theory. Reference librarians report that students frequently approach them seeking a source that will provide them with a quick overview of a particular theory or theorist - just enough to help them grasp the general concept or theory and its relation to the discipline as a whole. Communication scholars and teachers also occasionally need a quick reference for theories. Edited by the co-authors of the best-selling textbook on communication theory and drawing on the expertise of an advisory board of 10 international scholars and nearly 200 contributors from 10 countries, this work finally provides such a resource. More than 300 entries address topics related not only to paradigms, traditions, and schools, but also metatheory, methodology, inquiry, and applications and contexts. Entries cover several orientations, including psycho-cognitive; social-interactional; cybernetic and systems; cultural; critical; feminist; philosophical; rhetorical; semiotic, linguistic, and discursive; and non-Western. Concepts relate to interpersonal communication, groups and organizations, and media and mass communication. In sum, this encyclopedia offers the student of communication a sense of the history, development, and current status of the discipline, with an emphasis on the theories that comprise it.
Call Number: Reference Stacks P87.5 .E496 2009ISBN: 9781412959377Publication Date: 2009-Encyclopedia of Management Theory by Eric H. Kessler (Editor) In discussing a management topic, scholars, educators, practitioners, and the media often toss out the name of a theorist (Taylor, Simon, Weber) or make a sideways reference to a particular theory (Bureaucracy, Total Quality Management, Groupthink, etc.) and move on, as if assuming their audience possesses the necessary background to appreciate and integrate the reference. This is often far from the case. Individuals are frequently forced to seek out a hodgepodge of sources varying in quality and presentation to provide an overview of a particular idea. And reference librarians often find it difficult to guide readers to an informed, one-stop resource with just the basics--the "who, what, where, how, when, and why." In response, SAGE Reference plans to publish the two-volume Encyclopedia of Management Theory, available in both print and electronic formats. This work is designed to serve as a core reference for anyone interested in the essentials of contemporary management theory. Drawing together a team of international scholars, it examines the global landscape of the key theories and the theorists behind them, presenting them in the context needed to understand their strengths and weaknesses to thoughtfully apply them. In addition to interpretations of long-established theories, it also offers essays on cutting-edge research as one might find in a handbook. And, like an unabridged dictionary, it provides concise, to-the-point definitions of key concepts, ideas, schools, and figures. Features and Benefits: · Two volumes containing 335-350 signed entries provide users with the most authoritative and thorough reference resources available on management theory, both in terms of breadth and depth of coverage. · To ease navigation between and among related entries, a Reader′s Guide groups entries thematically and each entry is followed by Cross-References. · In the electronic version, the Reader′s Guide combines with the Cross-References and a detailed Index to provide robust search-and-browse capabilities. · An appendix with a Chronology of Management Theory allows students to easily chart directions and trends in thought and theory from early times to the present. · Suggestions for Further Reading at the end of each entry guide readers to sources for more detailed research and discussion.
Call Number: ebookISBN: 9781412997829Publication Date: 2013The Oxford Handbook of Management Theorists by Morgen Witzel (Editor); Malcolm Warner (Editor) Concurrent with the increasing complexity of the field of management, the need to re-examine the foundations from which its theories have advanced has become ever more important and useful. The Oxford Handbook of Management Theorists examines and evaluates the contributions that seminalfigures, past and present, have made to the theory of management by providing in-depth, up-to-date, and detailed scholarly analysis of their ideas and influence.Chapters by leading management and management history scholars explore the origins of each thinker or school of thought and their ideas, and discuss the significance and influence in a broader framework. The Handbook contextualises each theorist and their theories, analysing their actions,interactions, and re-actions to contemporary events and to each other. It is arranged in three parts: pioneers of management thinking from Frederick Taylor to Chester Barnard; post-war theorists, such as the Tavistock Institute and Edith Penrose; and the later phase of Business School theorists,including Alfred Chandler, Michael Porter, and Ikujiro Nonaka.This book will be essential reading for anyone interested in how and why management ideas have emerged, and the ways in which they are currently developing and will evolve in the future.
Call Number: Reference Stacks P87.5 .E496 2009ISBN: 9780199585762Publication Date: 2013International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies by James R. Bailey (Editor); Stewart R. Clegg (Editor) The International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies is the definitive description of the field, spanning individual, organizational, societal, and cultural perspective in a cross-disciplinary manner. It is the premier reference tool for students, educators, scholars, and practitioners to gather knowledge about a range of important topics from the unique perspective of organization studies with extensive international representation. The Encyclopedia is thoroughly cross-referenced, and entries are based around a series of broad themes. Editors Stewart R. Clegg and James R. Bailey bring together a team of international contributors from the fields of management, psychology, sociology, communications, education, political science, public administration, anthropology, law, and other related areas.
Call Number: Reference Stacks HD31 .I564 2008ISBN: 9781412915151Publication Date: 2007