Digital Mindfulness
- WysaIthaca College students and employees have free premium access to Wysa, a self-care phone application that can help to manage stress, anxiety, depression and build resiliency. It replaced Sanvello in Fall 2024.
Additional Apps
Note that there are some privacy issues with online apps so consider this:
Adriana Belmonte. (2024, January 22). The mental health app data privacy problem is getting worse. Yahoo Finance.
Liberate Free.
Irresistible Free.
Meditation Oasis Meditation RX app is free during COVID19
Ritual: Wellbeing Free.
Insight Timer Free.
Stop Breathe Think Free.
Omvana Free & premium content.
Smiling Mind Free & premium content. Free & premium content.
Calm Limited free content & 1-year discount on premium for students
Headspace Currently $9.99/year for students.