Digital Mindfulness
Sample Searches
Library Search: "digital mindfulness"
EBSCO Research Library: SU Mindfulness AND. SU technology
PsycInfo: mainsubject(mindfulness) AND (technology or "social media" or "video games")
General Databases (broad searching)
- Library Search: Advanced SearchThe Advanced Search from the library's main page searches across most library databases.
- EBSCO Research Library
Search across all of our EBSCO subscriptions for full-text articles and abstracts in almost every discipline.
- Google Scholar
This search engine includes peer-reviewed online academic journals, books, conference proceedings, theses, technical reports, court opinions, and other scholarly literature.
Contents: Citations and some full-text.
Note: Few results in Google Scholar link directly to full-text.
Subject Specific Indexes to Articles
Use these databases to focus your searches to a specific field. They offer a lot of advanced search tools.
- PsycInfo (APA) (EBSCO)
Subjects covered include psychology, behavioral and social science, neuroscience, business, nursing, law, and education.
Contents: Abstracts and full-text journal articles and dissertations.
- ACM Digital Library
Contains citations for articles published in ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) publications. Subjects covered include computer and data science.
Contents: Citations for articles, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters and books published by the ACM.
Created by the United States National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE contains abstracts and citations for biomedical and health journals.
Contents: Citations and abstracts. 1809-present.
- Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials (EBSCO)
Produced by Atla, this database provides citations from religion and theology journals. The database also searches AtlaSerials (Atlas), a full-text collection of major religion and theology journals.
Contents: Full-text articles from more than 360 journals. Citations for articles, books, essays, and reviews. 1949-present (with retrospective indexing for several journal issues from the 1800s).
- Communication Source (EBSCO)
Contains content from communications journals, magazines and other publications, covering related disciplines including linguistics, rhetoric and discourse, speech-language pathology, and media studies.
Contents: Indexing, abstracts, and full-text articles. 1900-present.
- ERIC (EBSCO interface)
Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education, covers all aspects of education.
Contents: Abstracts, citations, and some full-text of journal articles, research and technical reports, and an education-specific thesaurus. 1966-present.