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Encyclopedia of Political Communication by Lynda Lee Kaid (Editor); Christina Holtz-Bacha (Editor) Political communication began with the earliest studies of democratic discourse by Aristotle and Plato. However, modern political communication relies on an interdisciplinary base which draws on concepts from communication, political science, journalism, sociology, psychology, history, rhetoric, and others. This two volume resource considers political communication from this broad interdisciplinary perspective, encompassing the many different roles that communication plays in political processes in the United States and around the world. The Encyclopedia of Political Communication discusses the major theoretical approaches to the field, including direct and limited effects theories, agenda-setting theories, sociological theories, framing and priming theories, and other past and present conceptualizations. Considerable attention is devoted to major sources of political communication and to important political messages such as political speeches, televised political advertising, political posters and print advertising, televised political debates, and Internet sites. The audiences for political communications are also central, necessitating concentration on citizen reactions to political messages, how the general public and voters in democratic systems respond to political messages and the effects of all types of media and message types. Key Features - Encompasses several channels of political communication including interpersonal and public communication, radio, television, newspapers, and the World Wide Web, ensuring up-to-date and relevant content for teaching, research and learning - Includes news media coverage and journalistic analysis of politics, political issues, political figures and political institutions to provide a fully rounded view of alternatives perspectives - Considers the role of communication in governing, incorporating communication activities that influence the operation of executive, legislative, and judicial bodies, political parties, interest groups, political action committees and other participants in political processes to enhance understanding of the issues in a wide range of political groups. The Encyclopedia of Political Communication is designed for libraries, undergraduates, and members of the public with an interest in political affairs. Media and political professionals, as well as government officials, lobbyists, and participants in independent political organizations, will find these volumes useful in developing a better understanding of how the media and communication function in political settings. Key Themes " Biographies " Books, Films, Journals, Television " Democracy, Democratization " Education and Non-Profit Organizations " Elections " Government Operations and Institutions " Legal and Regulatory " Media Events " Media Outlets and Programmes " Role of Media in Political Systems " News Media Coverage of Politics, Political Affairs " Theoretical Approaches " Types of Political Media " Political Attitudes " Political Campaigns " Political Events " Political Groups and Organizations " Political Issues " Political Journalism " Theoretical Concepts " Women in Politics
Call Number: Reference Stacks JA85 .E65 2008ISBN: 1412917999Publication Date: 2007The Oxford Handbook of American Public Opinion and the Media by Robert Y. Shapiro (Editor); Lawrence R. Jacobs (Editor); George C. Edwards (General Editor) Public opinion and the media form the foundation of the United States' representative democracy. They are the subject of enormous scrutiny by scholars, pundits, and ordinary citizens. This Oxford Handbook takes on the 'big questions' about public opinion and the media-both empirical andnormative-focusing on current debates and social scientific research. Bringing together the thinking of a team of leading academic experts, its chapters provide a cutting assessment of contemporary research on public opinion, the media, and their interconnections. Emphasizing changes in the mass media and communications technology - the vast number of cable channels, websites and blogs, and the new social media, which are changing how news about political life is collected and conveyed - they describe the evolving information interdependence of the media andpublic opinion. In addition, the volume reviews the wide range of influences on public opinion, including the processes by which information communicated through the media can affect the public. It describes what has been learned from the latest research in psychology, genetics, and studies of theimpact of gender, race and ethnicity, economic status, education and sophistication, religion, and generational change on a wide range of political attitudes and perceptions. The Handbook includes extensive discussion of how public opinion and mass media coverage are studied through survey researchand increasingly through experiments using the latest technological advances.The Oxford Handbooks of American Politics are a set of reference books offering authoritative and engaging critical overviews of the state of scholarship on American politics. Each volume focuses on a particular aspect of the field. The project is under the General Editorship of George C. EdwardsIII, and distinguished specialists in their respective fields edit each volume. The Handbooks aim not just to report on the discipline, but also to shape it as scholars critically assess the scholarship on a topic and propose directions in which it needs to move. The series is an indispensablereference for anyone working in American politics.
Call Number: General Stacks P96.P832 U665 2013ISBN: 9780199545636Publication Date: 2011Voting Rights under Fire by Donathan L. Brown; Michael Clemons With the increasing demands for changes in how we vote, the authors analyze the complications of race tied to these proposed policies through historical and contemporary challenges. *Highlights the racial dimensions tied to the historical development of voting rights in the United States *Illustrates how contemporary voting rights developments are connected to the goal of minimizing or suppressing the African American and Latino vote *Presents the way voting rights laws continue to retrogress at the hands of lawmakers *Demonstrates the increasing salience that race plays within public policy, especially pertaining to political power
Call Number: ebookISBN: 9781440832482Publication Date: 2015Encyclopedia of Politics, the Media, and Popular Culture by Brian Cogan; Tony Kelso Whether it's television, radio, concerts, live appearances by comedians, Internet websites, or even the political party conventions themselves, the mixing of politics and popular culture is frequently on display. The Encyclopedia of Politics, the Media, and Popular Culture examines the people, major events, media, and controversies in eight thematic chapters and over 150 entries to provide an invaluable resource for any student, scholar, or everyday political junkie needing a comprehensive introduction to the subject. On a typical weeknight in the United States, millions shun the traditional evening network news broadcasts and, instead, later grab their remotes to turn to Comedy Central to catch up on the political happenings of the day, delivered by the comedian Jon Stewart on the faux news program, The Daily Show. Immediately afterwards, they might stay tuned to The Colbert Report for another dosage of hilarious, fake news that, to them, comes across more honestly than the serious version they could watch on CNN. Whether it's television, radio, concerts, live appearances by comedians, Internet websites, or even the political party conventions themselves, the mixing of politics and popular culture is frequently on display. The Encyclopedia of Politics, the Media, and Popular Culture provides in-depth coverage of these fascinating, and often surprising intersections in both historical and contemporary culture. This highly readable and entertaining encyclopedia provides a sweeping survey of the historic and ongoing interplay between politics, the media, and popular culture in eight thought-provoking chapters. The volume is enhanced with the inclusion of over 150 entries to help students and researchers easily locate more in-depth information on topics ranging from political scandals to YouTube.
Call Number: ebookISBN: 9780313343803Publication Date: 2009Encyclopedia of Social Media and Politics by Kerric Harvey (Editor) As mentioned on NPR'sIt's All Politics!The Encyclopedia of Social Media and Politics explores how the rise of social media is altering politics both in the United States and in key moments, movements, and places around the world. Its scope encompasses the disruptive technologies and activities that are changing basic patterns in American politics and the amazing transformations that social media use is rendering in other political systems heretofore resistant to democratization and change. In a time when social media are revolutionizing and galvanizing politics in the United States and around the world, this encyclopedia is a must-have reference. It reflects the changing landscape of politics where old modes and methods of political communication from elites to the masses (top down) and from the masses to elites (bottom up) are being displaced rapidly by social media, and where activists are building new movements and protests using social media to alter mainstream political agendas. Key Features: This three-volume A-to-Z encyclopedia set includes 600 short essays on high-interest topics that explore social media's impact on politics, such as "Activists and Activism," "Issues and Social Media," "Politics and Social Media," and "Popular Uprisings and Protest." A stellar array of world renowned scholars have written entries in a clear and accessible style that invites readers to explore and reflect on the use of social media by political candidates in this country, as well as the use of social media in protests overseas Unique to this book is a detailed appendix with material unavailable anywhere else tracking and illustrating social media usage by U.S. Senators and Congressmen. This encyclopedia set is a must-have general, non-technical resource for students and researchers who seek to understand how the changes in social networking through social media are affecting politics, both in the United States and in selected countries or regions around the world.Key Themes: Opening Essays Celebrities and Pioneers in Social Media and Politics Congressional Social Media Usage (Most Active Members) Measuring Social Media′s Political Impact Misuse of Social Media in the Political Arena: Issues and Ethics Social Media, Candidates, and Campaigns Social Media, Politics, and Culture Social Media and Networking Websites Social Media and Political Unrest Social Media and Social Issues, Activism, and Movements Social Media Concepts and Theorie Social Media Regulation, Public Policy, and Actual Practice Social Media Types, Innovation and Technology
Call Number: Reference Stacks JF799 .H38 2014ISBN: 9781452244716Publication Date: 2014Encyclopedia of Media and Politics by Todd M. Schaefer; Thomas A. Birkland The relationship between media and politics receives constant attention and creates heated debate. The Encyclopedia of Media and Politicsoffers an authoritative, unbiased exploration of the intersection between media and politics, from larger themes such as the role of media in civil, democratic society, to more specific topics such as media ownership and regulation. The topics covered include: Business and institutional aspects of the media; Evolution and impact of different media including newspapers; broadcast and cable television; and new technologies; Coverage of and relations with the White House, Congress, political parties, and other political institutions; Legislation and court cases affecting the media; Important debates, such as those over media bias and election coverage; Profiles of organizations and agencies, such as the Federal Communications Commission; Profiles of influential media outlets; Biographies of important figures. With articles contributed by scholars and practitioners, this volume provides both academic analysis and practical insights on the history, impact, and roles of the media in politics. Additional key information is provided through photographs, tables, figures, appendices, and an index. School, academic, and public libraries as well as libraries that serve media and professionals in related areas will want to acquire this important new resource for their patrons.
Call Number: Reference Stacks P95.82.U6 E47 2007ISBN: 1568028350Publication Date: 2006
Library Databases
- CQ Researcher
This database contains reports and analysis with opposing viewpoints on current issues.
Contents: Reports including background information and chronology, assessments, pro/con statements, and bibliographies.
- Opposing Viewpoints (Gale in Context)
Contains a range of perspectives on many important social issues and current events, with pro/con viewpoints in an interdisciplinary resource. Areas of focus include science, environmental studies, politics, business, and social sciences.
Contents: Reference articles, viewpoints, infographics, news, periodical content, multimedia, and more.
These resources are available to all. They track political and social issues. Many feature pro and con viewpoints.
- GovtrackThis a free non-governmental website that is useful for tracking the status of federal legislation.
- Sunlight FoundationThe Sunlight Foundation is a national, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that uses civic technologies, open data, policy analysis and journalism to make our government and politics more accountable and transparent to all. --Mission
- OpenSecrets.comNonpartisan, independent and nonprofit, the Center for Responsive Politics is the nation's premier research group tracking money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy. -- website
- PolitiFactA project of the St. Petersburg Times, PolitiFact is a website that examines truth in politics.
- Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public PolicyThe Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy is a Harvard University research center dedicated to exploring and illuminating the intersection of press, politics and public policy in theory and practice.
- Political Communication (University of Pennsylvania, Annenberg School of Communication)Annenberg's political science research examines the role of interpersonal and mass-mediated communication on the attitudes, opinions, information-processing, and behavior of citizens, political elites, political institutions, and political systems. --website
- Political Communication Lab (Stanford)A listing of papers by year.
- International Communication Association (ICA)Associated with the UN, this organization consists of international scholars in all aspects of communications research.
ICA Division: Political Communication "The Political Communication Division supports research and theory development at the intersection of politics and communication. Political communication involves creating, shaping, disseminating, and processing information among actors from the political system, the media, and the public, as well as the effects of such communication"
- Miller CenterAn affiliate of the University of Virginia that specializes in presidential scholarship, public policy, and political history. On the site are policy reports and programs on issues of public interest.
- ProCon.orgA nonpartisan citizenship/education organization
- On the IssuesCovers topics related to election campaigns.
- Public AgendaHas as its goal to elevate a diversity of voices, forging common ground and improving dialogue and collaboration among leaders and communities,
- League of Women Voters of New York StateThe League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They provide voting guides.
- BallotopediaBallotpedia is the digital encyclopedia of American politics and elections --About page
- Center for the Study of Political GraphicsBrowse over 4,500 political posters by subject or artist. There is search feature.