Porter's Five Forces
Threat of Substitutes
- Switching costs
- Buyer inclination to substitute
- Price-performance trade-off of substitutes
- Business Source Premier (EBSCO)Search using one of these subjects: Technological innovation, new product development, product launches, innovations in business, research & development or disruptive technologies.
- Business Insights (Gale) (Formerly known as Business Insights: Essentials)Search for articles on the company or industry and such terms as: new products, technology, service introduction, etc.
- ABI/INFORM Collection (ProQuest)Search for articles about the company/industry using some of the terms mentioned previously.
- Nexis Uni (LexisNexis)Information and news on companies including newspapers, business press releases, trade publications, patents, trademarks and legal proceedings. Look for articles about new products/services for the company/industry you are researching.