Choreography Library Resources
To locate books about Choreography in the library, try searching "Choreograph*" or a known choreographer or dance company as a subject heading in Library Search, or try browsing these call number areas:
Choreography GV 1782.5
Contemporary Choreographers
Julia Adam
Val Caniparoli
Jorma Elo
Margaret Jenkins
James Kudelka
Mark Morris
Yuri Possokhov
Paul Taylor
Stanton Welch
Christopher Wheeldon
To locate dvds about Choreography, use the above search strategies, truncating to Choreograph*, then limit Material Type to Audiovisual.
Academic Search PremierAcademic Search Premier contains peer-reviewed journal articles. Almost every subject is included.
JSTORJSTOR contains full-text peer-reviewed articles and primary sources. Subjects covered include language and literature, history, economics, political science, and more.
International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance with Full TextIBTD contains citations and some full-text articles from top performing arts journals
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full TextRILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text contains full-text journal articles, book chapters, catalogues, and dissertations. Subjects covered include music history, music theory, music analysis, and repertoire studies.
SPORTDiscus with Full TextSPORTDiscus with Full Text contains full-text articles and book chapters. Subjects covered include sports, physical fitness, exercise, sports medicine, physical education, kinesiology, coaching, leisure studies, and occupational therapy.