Dance Therapy Library Resources
To locate books about Dance Therapy in the library, try searching "Dance Therapy" as a subject heading in Library Search.
To locate dvds about Dance Therapy, use the above search strategies, then limit Material Type to Audiovisual.
- Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
This multidisciplinary database contains articles from magazines and peer-reviewed journals, as well as Associated Press (AP) video content (1930s-present).
Contents: Full-text articles and video.
Provides indexing of nursing and allied health literature, including nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses Association, covering topics including medicine, alternative therapies, consumer health, nursing standards, and research instruments.
Contents: Citations for journal articles, books, nursing dissertations, conference proceedings, standards of practice, audiovisual material, and book chapters. Some full-text articles. 1981-present.
Need search tips? Take a look at our YouTube video on how to use CINAHL.
- International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance with Full Text (EBSCO)
Covers the performing arts worldwide, including all aspects of theatre and performance.
Contents: Citations and some full-text for journal articles, books, and dissertation abstracts.
Includes archival journal collections in the Arts & Sciences and Life Sciences covering language and literature, history, economics, political science, and health sciences.
Contents: Full-text articles and books.
- PsycInfo (APA) (EBSCO)
Subjects covered include psychology, behavioral and social science, neuroscience, business, nursing, law, and education.
Contents: Abstracts and full-text journal articles and dissertations.
- RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text (EBSCO)
Contents: Full-text journal articles, book chapters, catalogues, dissertations, obituaries, editorials, reviews, correspondence, advertisements, and news.
- ScienceDirect
Subjects covered include biology, chemistry, computer science, economics, environmental science, mathematics, medicine, neuroscience, nursing, physics, education, and psychology.
Contents: Abstracts and full-text articles from scientific, technological, and medical scholarly journals and reference books published by Elsevier.