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P.E.S.T.E.L/P.E.S.T.L.E. Analysis of a Company, Industry or Product


  • Weather influences
  • Climate change
  • Laws regarding environmental pollution
  • Recycling and use of recycled materials
  • Waste management-costs, regulations, how is waste disposed of?
  • Attitudes toward "green" or ecological products and raw materials
  • Attitudes, support for and costs for renewable energy
  • Consumer protection
  • Is the company/industry environmentally conscious? How do we know?
  • Greenwashing?
  • Use of renewable energy

Company Sustainability/Social Responsibility Reports-go to the Company's home page if it is a publicly traded company and search under Investor Relations. You can then look at what the company says and compare/contrast to what the news, press says. Are they really doing what they say they are?

Jim Bondra

Profile Photo
Jim Bondra
607-220-4382 (mobile)