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STCM 30900: Media Planning

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Best Bets: Databases

Advertising Data (Target Audience and Brand Analysis)

Ad placement (Magazines, Newspapers, Television titles, rates and contact information)

  • Go to the magazine or newspaper's website and look for the "Media Kit" in the footer
  •  There is a lot of jargon in media planning.  Here is a Glossary of Media Terms from SRDS.

Company, Industry, and Brand Analysis information (trade and industry news, competitors, some industry reports such SWOT)

Local Companies and Nonprofits

  • Mine their websites for information
    Also try the local Chamber of Commerce such as the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce
  • Search local and regional news sources (see Newspaper Sources, right)
  • Nonprofits: Try and find their 990s (instead of 10Ks). Check websites that evaluate them such as:  Investigates nonprofits  Search for nonprofits by name, etc. Form 990's available. Some are free.
    Charity Navigator  Search for nonprofits by name
    Better Business Bureau Reports on major charitable organizations.



Selected Journals

How to Read a Citation


Cathy Michael

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Cathy Michael
Ithaca College Library 953 Danby Rd
Ithaca, NY 14850‑7002