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STCM 10300: Introduction to Strategic Communication

Learning Objectives

Today I'll introduce some databases that are used for company and industry research.  You'll learn:

  • Companies are part of industries.  You can identify that industry with a NAICS code and search on the whole industry. A company can be part of multiple industries and have more than one industry code.
  • Business databases such as ABI Inform and Business Source Premiere are excellent sources for business news and scholarship. If you know the ticker symbol, business databases typically allow you to search using it.  
  • Nexis Uni and Business Insights include company profiles for background.  They provide NAICS industry codes that can be used for searching industry information.   Nexis Uni includes Hoover's directory that can offer an overview of a company.  
  • When you are researching a publicly traded company you can look at the 10K reports.  Be sure to find the Investor Relations website.
  • Statista is an easy to use resource for finding statistics on companies.  
  • NetAdvantage is an online business source that can provide an overview of an industry.  
  • Trade Associations may also provide industry news.   Some information may be for members only, however. 

Best Bets: Databases

Keep Informed

Sign up for alerts through trade journal site or professional organizations; you can also follow them in Twitter, Google+ or Facebook.  Library databases offer alerts but require you to create accounts first; library databases may offer full text holdings whereas the online journal's site may offer partial full-text to non-subscribers (this is called a paywall to help generate memeberships or subscriptions).

Some trade sites to follow:

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Cathy Michael

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Cathy Michael
Ithaca College Library 953 Danby Rd
Ithaca, NY 14850‑7002